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I felt weird.
I was up, but like I wasn't up?
I heard what Zayn and his mother said.
He fell for me?
It felt nice because even though I didn't know him long I fell for him too.

I am a werewolf. I can't be. My father will kill me he can't know. Zayn can't know. I don't want to tell him what my father does.

When Zayn said hunter I assumed he meant my father. Since him and My uncles are the only hunters in this town that hunts the supernatural.

Shit would he still like me if he knew who my father was?

"Harry wake up baby" I heard him whisper in my ear. I tried prying my eyes open, but no use.

I felt myself burning and jumped up letting out a scream.

But sounded like a roar.

"Harry! Calm down look at me" I shake looking at Zayn who had a lighter in his hand.

"Why the hell would you do that!?! And I-I'm a werewolf" I tear up. He nodded his head.

"To wake you, but you're healed, But you will be okay I'll protect you and train you baby. The full moon is tonight. You have to stay here." He told me.

"O-okay...I'm scared Zayn" I cry.

"I know. I should have protected you. I wasn't there in time. I failed you" He said, but it didn't sound like it was for me.

"Z-Zayn?" I ask.


"D-did your e-ex g-get killed" I whisper.

"D-did your e-ex g-get killed" I whisper

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"Y-Yes" He nodded.

"I'm sor-"

"No forget it...It's over and done with. Call your mom or dad and tell them you will be here tonight. After the phone call come downstairs. Have to chain you up" He says and without another word he left the room closing the door.

He's gonna leave you if he finds out who your father is.

"H-he won't f-find out" I whisper.

I sighs wiping my tears calling my father telling him I'm at Niall's and I'll be home tomorrow after school.

After that I hung up. I went downstairs going to Zayn.

"Come on we have to hurry and chain you the moon is rising" Zayn says grabbing my arm pulling me downstairs.

"Sit" He says pointing to a metal chair.

I sat down as he chained me all up. I felt a sudden wave of anger flow over me and jerked at him.

He flinched away.

"H-harry calm down listen to my voice" He said, but I didn't understand. I felt angry?

I jerked at him growling.

"LET ME OUT!" I belted out.

"HARRY" He roared. I whimpered closing my eyes.

"Think of something that makes you happy. Only way you can control shifting on a full moon find your anchor and use it to keep human form" He says I take a deep breath thinking Of Zayn.

His smile.

His laugh.

The ways he's so kind.

I found myself slowly feeling relaxed.

"There you go harry. You got this" He said.

For the rest of the night I thought about Zayn until sleep consumed me.



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