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I ran home after school was over telling my mom about my date.

"Honey are you sure about this?" I sigh nodding.

"I have to get over carter...I know it's gonna be hard but I have to try.." I say picking at my nails.

"Okay...But if you're serious about this boy....Will you ever let it slip up about what you are Zayn" she says making me think. Is harry even capable of keeping a secret this big? Will he even accept me?

"I won't even tell him" I say.

"Zayn What about when there's a full moon and just say you're with him for a long time and he's with you then what?" I shake my head.

"Then I won't be with him for that long mother this is my life let me live it besides I never said I was gonna be with the boy for long" I say clenching my jaw.

She sighs nodding her head "okay Zayn okay." She walked away making me sigh getting ready for my date.

"TRISHA" I hear Louis scream. Me and my mom ears perk up running to louis seeing him hold one of our pack members Nick in his arms.

"W-What happened to him?!?" I growl out.

"He got shot with wolfsbane...He's not gonna make it..it pierced his heart" I tear up holding nicks hand.

"I-I d-don't w-wanna die" He chokes out.

"Shh Honey Dont Talk you will be okay, okay son" My mother spoke running her fingers through his hair watching him slowly close his eyes taking his last breath. I watched as a tear went down her face.

"Desmond?" I ask sniffling looking at nicks dead body.

"Y-yes" Louis seethes angry.

"We can't keep living like this he has to die" I growl out.

"NO! We are not monsters like him we will not kill even if they kill us." My mom says making me scoff.

"Screw being nice they need to suffer...I want Desmond dead him and his whole little army."

"They will get what they deserve we do not kill" She says softly even though I killed a couple times but that was hunters.

"You Don't hunt the hunted" I whispered out.


Don't hunt the hunted.

Who knows what that means😏?

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