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No ones pov:

They come upon Kane's pack's territory, seeing two betas guarding the boarder scanning the area. Zayn steps up.

"Liam and I can take them." Zayn says and Liam nods in agreement while Louis speaks up.

"We need to split up, Zayn, you and Liam handle those two betas. Conner you stay here and keep watch. The rest of us will go around back take out whoever gets in the way." Louis says. Everyone agrees.

"Once I get Harry, I'll give you all the signal and we gotta get out here." Zayn says.

"Okay let's go." Liam and Zayn emerge from the trees stepping in front of the betas, while everyone else runs to their places.  the betas then turn their attention to the intruders and growl.

"You chose the wrong territory to cross over into." One of them growled. Zayn and Liam snarl back at him, getting into a fighting stance ready to attack when needed.

"Listen here, you either move out the way or someone's gonna die today." Zayn growled.

"I'd like to see you try it." The other beta challenged. Zayn and Liam gave each other a look and nodded. That's when they both launched at the two betas catching them off guard. They're both tackled to the ground, scuffling to gain control over one another.

"Big mistake." The beta shifted into his wolf form snarling and baring his teeth at Zayn. Zayn shifts as well and they start attacking one another once more, rolling around on the ground biting and clawing at one another.

The beta snaps his teeth at Zayn's neck as zayn tries his best to hold him off. He starts getting closer and closer and just before he can get his teeth at Zayn throat he is tackled off of him by Liam.

Zayn pants, jumping up and seeing the other beta lying lifeless on the ground. He looks at Liam and they both lunge at the beta ripping out his throat and killing him instantly.

They shift back.


"No problem bro. C'mon we don't have a lot of time." He says and they run off, looking for a way to get in without alarming any of the other pack members. They sneak in through an open window on the side and it connects to a room. As they enter tjeres a werewolf standing with his back turned on the phone. Zayn quickly runs up and puts him in the sleeper hold. He struggles before the man finally passes out and they open the door entering the empty long hall way.

"Any sign of Harry? Can you pick up his scent?" Liam asked. Zayn sniffs around his nose twitching.

"There's traces of it but it's almost being over powered by the other wolves." he says,  "come this way." He notices a secret little stairway that goes down and for some reason he has a strong feeling Harry's down there. They wouldn't have Harry put in the open holding him hostage so he was somewhere hidden away to make him harder to find. So Zayn knew there was a high chance of finding him here.

He and Liam descended the stairs in a timely matter and Zayn would notice the Harry's scent started to get stronger. He was right, Harry had to be down here. Zayn quickly made his way to the bottom, coming upon a dingy basement that was silly lit with a single lightning barely hanging on to its life. In the corner Zayn could see a familiar figure huddled closely against the wall, shivering.


Harry whips his head around seeing Zayn and immediately being filled with happiness. He heard the foot steps but he didn't know it would be Zayn so he didn't bother turning around then. "Zaynie!" Harry gets up and tries to run to him but the chain yanks him back, he whimpers looking at Zayn helpless. Zayn runs over to him grabbing his face in his hands and kissing him.

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