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It's been two months since Harry's kidnapping which also means two months of us sneaking around to see one another.

It was quite fun.

We made out every chance we got.

Under the bleachers.

In the woods.

My house.

Hell even a few times in my car in the backseat.

I never knew I could fall in love with someone so fast, but fuck I did and it feels amazing.

"What you thinking about babe" Harry says coming behind me wrapping his small arms around my waist.

"Thinking of how perfect you are baby" I smile turning around kissing his lips. We were currently in his room. His parents will be Gone a few hours.

He blushes pulling away smiling up at me.

"Zayn" He whispers chewing on his bottom lip rather nervously.

"Yeah...Are you okay princess?" I ask seeing him blush even harder at the new found nickname I gave him a couple weeks ago.

"I-I um..." he sighs biting his lip not knowing what to say.

"You can tell me anything harry"

"I love you Zayn" He says looking anywhere, but me.

My heart stops.

Harry loves me?

I mean I got hints and people were telling me, but I thought they were bluffing.

I smile caressing his cheek lifting his head up.

He had tears in his beautiful emerald eyes. He must have thought I was gonna reject him.

"I love you too Harry" I whisper holding his waist pulling him close.

"Really" He whispers back looking up at me through his eyelashes.

"Yes really" I smile seeing his beautiful eyes bright up kissing me softly.

I kissed him back loving the way his lips fit with mine like we're two puzzle pieces made for one another.

He pulled away looking up at me biting his lip.

"Can you make love to me" He asks. I was taken a back by his question, but my wolf was just screaming for me to bend him over and fuck him senselessly.

"Harry are you sure?" I ask. I wanted to make love to him, but have to make sure my baby is positive he wants this.

"I'm so sure" He says biting his lip taking off all his clothes. His creamy white skin was smooth and hairless. He was so perfect.

Perfect for me.

"Like what you see" He says smirking. I raise my eyebrows at his sudden confidence. Most definitely his wolf. Made me relax a little bit knowing he felt confident in himself.

"I do babe. Lay down beautiful"

He lays down on the bed looking up at me. I take my clothes off laying on top of him kissing him slowly, but lovingly. He kissed me back running his fingers through my hair. Tugging lightly making me groan in his mouth.

I grind down down on him, causing him to gasp taking that as a chance to slip my tongue through his lips.

Are tongues clashed as if they were going to war. He tasted like strawberries and chocolate. Best taste anyone can ask for.

I pull away pecking his swollen lips one more time kissing down his neck searching for that certain spot.

"Z-Zayn" He moaned out as I sucked a hickey on his neck finding his sweet spot.

"P-Please i-i need you" He whimpers.

"Okay baby I have to prep yo-"

"No fuck that just fuck me" He growls eyes flashing blue looking at me.

"Harry I'm not small you're going to be in a lot of pain baby I don't wanna hurt you..." I say caressing his cheek.

"I-I know but aren't omegas made for this? I'm okay Zayn please I'm fine i-i just wanna be close to you baby" He says tearing up.

I nod my head."okay harry but if it's too much you tell me okay?"

He bit his lips nodding his head yes. "Okay Zayn I'm ready I love you and trust you" He says grabbing my hand kissing it softly.

"I love you too harry" I say pecking his lips.

"Do you have any uh lube or something?"

He nods his head reaching in the drawer Besides his bed pulling out a small package of lube handing it to me.

I smirk at him knowing he was prepared for this seeing him blush.

"So prepared baby weren't you"

He nodded his head biting his lip. I kiss him quickly pulling away lubing myself up.

"You Ready Princess"

"God yes! please baby" I nod my head lining myself up pushing into him slowly.

He tenses up gripping my arms digging his nails into them. I hiss lightly.

"B-babe do you want me to stop?"

"N-no Z-Zayn please keep going I love the stretch" He blushes.

I smirk pushing all the way into him making him arch his back letting out the sluttiest moan.

"Fuck you're so tight" I grunted holding his hips.

"M-move" He whimpers and that was enough for me to thrust in and out of him at a steady pace kissing his chest biting and nipping leaving love bites.

"Z-Zayn harder p-please" He whines wrapping his arms around my neck pulling my face to his kissing me hard. I thrust faster into him hearing him gasp digging his fingernails into my back.

"O-oh fuck z-Zayn r-right there" He moans out.

I moan into his mouth teeth clashing, tongues fighting for dominance. As I kept thrusting fast and deep into him hearing his loud moans fill my ears.

I love harry.

I wanna be with him forever.

God the way his body responds to me with one touch makes me go crazy. Or how his Beautiful eyes roll back as I thrust deeply into him.

"Zayn!" He screams scratching down my back making me groan thrusting even faster. I look down seeing the way I slide in and out of him biting my lip.

"Fuck babyboy you look so beautiful" I grunt stroking his leaking cock.

"Z-Zayn I-Im close" I whimper.

"M-me too baby you can cum princess" I moan stroking his cock fast thrusting harder into him.

"Zayn!"He screams cumming all over my lower stomach and his chest.

I thrust a few more times spilling my knot inside of him falling on his chest making sure not to put all my weight on him.

"W-wow" He says breathing. Heavily looking into my eyes.

"Wow indeed. I love you harry so much...And I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass...The first couple times. I was just trying to push you away so i wouldn't fall for you" I whisper lifting myself up caressing his cheek.

"I love you more Zaynie and I forgave you baby" He giggles kissing my nose then my lips.

I kiss him back smiling knowing I finally have someone to love and hold again.

"Harry were bac-What the hell!?!"


Oh nooooo😭😭😭

I'm sorry for the badly written smutt that is not my Go to😂😂❤️


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