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I close my locker door sighing looking at Liam and Niall cuddled up at his locker.

I'm upset my brother won't talk to me. I wish he would see that I'm still in pain about everything that happened you don't get over your first love just like that. It's not easy. It will never be easy.

I frown turning away from them walking to my class room seeing harry Wait by the door.

"H-hey Harry" I smile.

"Hi Zayn" He smiles small "um we can forget about the date...I know you don't like me like tha-"

I cut him off kissing him softly. I kept kissing him hoping he would move his lips against mine but no use as I was going to pull away he pulled me back kissing me back.

I smile in the kiss feeling my body heat up wrapping my arms around his small waist.

We pulled away a couple minutes later breathing heavily.

He blushes looking up at me. "That was m-my first k-kiss" he stutters.

"Good Harry" I smile grabbing his hand going to classroom only to get pulled back.

"Are you serious Zayn!?!" I hear Liam whisper shout. I look back at harry to see him talking to Niall. I pull Liam away furrowing my eyebrows.

"What do you want now"

"You not to mess with Harry's feelings you idiot you can smell the innocence on the kid not to mention you're almost 19 he's 16 you need to be careful Zayn...and weren't you just in love with fucking carter yesterday!?!" He said slightly pissed making scoff.

"Leave me alone Liam you told me to forget about carter I'm trying to do that I'm gonna date harry so please leave me alone" I said. He sighs shaking his head.

"I didn't mean like this Zayn" he says disappointed.

"Mean like what" I scoff.

"Using him Zayn. I thought you were better than that" He says walking away from me making me sigh skipping the rest of the school day ignoring Harry's texts and calls.

What do you feel about Zayn?

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