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"He's amazing Zayn I got his number and everything I'm gonna take him out" Liam says ranting on about Niall.

"That's great bro" I chuckle.

"You're not even listening are you"

"Not even in the slightest" I laugh.

"You're so rude to me I am happy and in love" He sighs smiling.

"First of all you don't even know for sure If he's your mate second of all you're not in love" I shrug seeing him frown.

"Why are you so bitter" He glares At me making me scoff.

"I'm not being bitter I'm saying the cold hard truth."

"You're being bitter ever since car-" I push him.

"Don't you ever say his name you keep your mouth shut" I growl at him making him growl back.

"Carter you've been bitter ever since Carter " He spat his eyes turning A goldish yellow I'm pretty sure mines are too. I attack him rolling around in the grass punching and scratching one another.

" ENOUGH YOU TWO STOP" we hear our mother yell. We didn't stop still fighting.

"SHE SAID STOP" We heard a fellow alpha roar making us whimper breaking apart from the roar he let out at us.

"What's going on" The alpha known as Louis spoke. Ever since my father died he stepped up as pack leader beside my mom and his wife Lana.

"I believe I found my mate and Zayn keeps putting me down just because he lost his" Liam spat at me. I clench my jaw to keep quiet.

"Zayn is this true" Louis asks. I nod my head looking down.

"I'm sorry" I whisper getting up running into the woods before listening to anyone running into town looking around making sure no one seen me come from the woods. I walk down the sidewalk. Looking at the ground thinking of carter.

He was a beautiful omega. Sweet loving and caring. I loved him the day I seen him. We fell in love. But the thing is the day we were gonna mate and make pups....He got taken away...

Desmond killed him.

I didn't save him because I was to busy setting up the day we were finally going to mate properly.

I wish he was still here....I wish I can hug and kiss him one more time.

"Zayn" I look up seeing harry.

"H-hey" I sniffles finally realizing I'm crying.

"Are you okay zaynie?" He frowns wiping tears from my face.

"I-I'm okay" I smile small looking at him.

"Are you sure?" He says looking up at me with those beautiful green eyes.

"I'm sure" I say looking into them feeling something I haven't felt in years.


No I can't.

"I-I have to go I'm sorry" I whisper to him running away. I hear him trying to run after me but I was to fast already gone.


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