2. Amazing Pool

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Dominic was a tall man, well over 6 feet, which added to the discomfort I felt around him. And those perfect teeth of his, always on display with that constant smile. Handsome? Annoyingly so. Dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and slightly tanned skin. He was too handsome for his own good. Not only was he rich, he had good looks and it was completely unjust.

Nobody else seemed to be bothered by the guy. He came off as genuine, always lending a helpful hand and appearing considerate. He was a good husband according to Lily, always bringing her flowers, kissing her hello and goodbye. I had yet to see the two interact since they left for their honeymoon. It seemed to just be me that found the man creepy. His eyes always used to linger a little too long on me at their wedding. Even now as he stood with my new trunks in his hand, his eyes scanned my body with a weird curiosity. Seeing my bare chest for the first time ever, his face lit up like he was seeing me in a whole new light, and it was deeply unsettling.

"Settling in?" He asked, offering a friendly smile.

I glanced uneasily at Lily who was swimming over to meet her husband. He knelt down onto his knee just to kiss her at the waters edge.

"Yeah." Was all I could say, blushing at their public display of affection.

"I have some trunks for you." He held them up as if I didn't see them in his hand before. "You can keep wearing mine for now, though." He said the last part with a playful wink and I just nodded awkwardly. "Can I join you guys?" He looked to Lily who nodded eagerly.

"Please do!" She chimed.

Dominic left to put on a swimsuit, quickly making his way back out. He got onto his phone, connecting to some Bluetooth speakers that seemed to surround the pool. Soon Lola by the Kinks started playing. I was pleased by the song choice but surprised that Dominic had chosen it.

"Cannon ball!" He shouted as he jumped into the deeper end of the pool, far from where I relaxed on my floaty.

Waves from his jump rocked my seat, like a boat on stormy waters. Dominic didn't surface right away, disappearing in the deep twists and turns of the pool. Suddenly he emerged from the water, his arms wrapping around Lily playfully as he pulled her down with him. With a shriek from Lily, they were both soon gone in the depths.

My foot bounced along to the music as I closed my eyes, trying to return to the relaxed state that I managed to achieve earlier. Maybe living with them while I went to school wasn't going to be too bad.

After awhile Lily called from the other side of the pool.

"Adam! Did you put on sun screen? You're looking a little pink!"

I opened my eyes, scanning the smooth skin on my chest. It did have a slight pink hue to it now.

"I forgot!" I called back, rolling off the floaty and into the water. I swam to the edge, climbing out. "Do you have some I can use?"

"Yeah, right in the laundry room!" She called from where she relaxed on the floaty I had left. Was this just a plot to steal my floaty?

I went to the laundry room anyway, though. I opened the cabinets, unable to find it. I didn't want to return without it so I spent a little too long rifling through the towels, still finding nothing. An annoyed huff escaped me and I debated just telling her I found it and put it on. But I really didn't want to burn too badly in the California sun. It was still something I was learning to live with after moving from the PNW.

I returned to the sliding glass door, poking my head out to yell. "I can't find it!"

"It's on the left!" Lily called back.

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