48. Ryan the Dog

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A/N: Sorry it has been a week since I updated last. I got distracted watching tv and playing video games. I promise the next chapter will be up very soon because it's mostly complete, just needs some polishing.


After pulling an all-nighter with Dom, I was completely exhausted. He only left my room around 5am, just an hour or two before Lily was supposed to wake up. We had spent the majority of the night just making out with a little bit of grinding. I appreciated that he didn't try to force me to do anything sexually. He was perfectly content to just hold me in his arms and rub on me. But I couldn't fall asleep with him there. My mind was buzzing with both anxiety and arousal, making it impossible to find rest.

Luckily, I managed to drift off once he left. I ended up sleeping in, waking up around noon, but I still felt drained from the events of the previous night. I rolled over, hoping to catch some more shut-eye, even though it was already late in the day. But there was a constant buzzing from my phone, serving as an annoying alarm clock. Eventually, I gave in and checked my phone, overwhelmed by the flood of messages. It was Ryan asking to come over.

His persistence irritated me, especially after he left me to attend to Rosie at the party. He hadn't even said a goodbye before leaving with her. But I guess I only had myself to blame for urging Rosie to spend time with him. Maybe a small part of me regretted that. But because Ryan had been so busy with Rosie, Dom managed to sneak into my room last night and reignite the spark between us.

Now that morning had arrived, I couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive about the whole situation. Was I really back with Dom? I had told him as much last night when I said I was his again. Still not having responded to Ryan, he sent another text, wondering if something happened last night, asking if I was mad at him. I did feel a twinge of guilt at that. I didn't want him to blame himself for my tendency to dramatize things.

As much as I wanted to sleep the day away, I couldn't have Ryan growing suspicious if I ignored him. Sitting up on the edge of my bed, I quickly sent Ryan a text. "Hey, been busy cleaning," I typed, glancing out my bedroom window at the party mess that still needed tackling. "Come over if you want." Hoping he'd just pass on the offer, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about seeing him. I didn't want him to catch on that something went down between Dominic and me.

"Sure! See you soon!" He replied and anxiety coursed through me.

I couldn't let him find out. But Ryan and I weren't exactly exclusive... He was still seeing Rosie, so I couldn't let myself feel too guilty about seeing Dom again. Sure, Ryan would hate it, but he had no right to tell me not to see him—it would be massively hypocritical since he was still dating Rosie. Hell, he probably went home last night to fuck her after I went to bed. The thought made my stomach churn. I shook my head. Whatever. I just wouldn't tell him about Dom. Then Ryan and I could keep up our little exploratory relationship a little longer.

I heaved myself out of bed and hit the shower, trying to scrub away the evidence of last nights perversions. I hoped the water would help to energize me, but no luck—I was dead tired from staying up so late. Post-shower, I wandered to the dining room where Lily was eating lunch. Dom was there in his robe, his appearance disheveled, looking as rough as I felt. He must've just gotten up as well.

I joined them at the dining room table.

"You just got up too??" Lily laughed, eyeing my weary look. Dominic's bed head was actually pretty cute, still needing a shower after our long night together.

"Hell of a party," I shrugged, settling across from Dom, purposefully out of his reach. I was not going to tolerate sneaky touches so early in the morning.

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