62. Unspeakable Acts

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A/N: Guess which boy makes an appearance soon? If Ryan fans haven't dropped the story by this point, hang tight. If you hate Ryan, suffer through it so you don't miss something important that is revealed near the end. 

If you are confused by Adams anguish in this chapter, please try to remember that he actually does feel for Dom, despite trying to repress his emotions and lying to himself. So Adams feelings of betrayal at learning Dom lied are valid.

BTW I'm so nervous to post this chapter😅 Please show your support by voting or commenting. Even if you hate what's happening or hate what it's making you feel, please share your thoughts with me (I feed off your praise and/or pain).


His loose hold on the back of my neck suddenly transformed into the grip of a lion on its prey and revulsion surged through me. I felt utterly betrayed by the truth that had just shattered my world. Dominic had lied about everything. Lily was never even pregnant. His apologetic eyes bore into mine, desperately seeking forgiveness, but I could only see deceit.

The shock had temporarily immobilized me, but after a few tense moments I finally yanked myself free from his predatory grip and bolted towards the house. I had to get away from him. His urgent footsteps pounded behind me, while Lily's confused cries echoed through the air, heightening my panic.

I slipped into the house, slamming the backdoor shut with a resounding thud, and sprinted down the hallway. My heart raced as I heard Dominic tear the door open just a few steps behind me. The walls seemed to close in, and the corridor appeared to stretch endlessly. Just before I reached my room, a strong hand clamped down onto my wrist, pulling me away from my sanctuary and into his darkness.

"Let go of me!" I screamed, my voice cracking as a thickness rose in my throat, nearly choking me. I whipped around to face him, his grip on my wrist searing into my skin.

"Adam, please," Dom whispered, his voice desperate, eyes pleading. "Please listen to me."

"I'm done!" I shouted, and he recoiled as if struck, his eyes brimming with pain. "I fucking hate you!"

His large hand tightened painfully, panic flashing in his eyes. I clawed at his hands, trying desperately to break free, but he was unfazed, his hold as strong as ever.

"Please, you have to understand, I did it for us!" he pleaded in a hushed voice, his eyes darting nervously towards the backyard.

Tears threatened to burst forth, a few hot drops already carving paths down my cheeks. I had endured all his shit for nothing. From the beginning, I wanted to tell Lily what he was doing to me, but he had twisted my resolve, silencing me with his manipulations. A wave of nausea surged, the urge to vomit clawing at my insides.

"We're done! Let go!" I hissed through my tears, trying to yank my arm free. His grip only grew stronger, more painful, a vice tightening around my wrist. "LET GO!" I felt entirely powerless, my efforts to pry his hand off me futile.

"I can't," he whispered, his eyes wide with terror. "I can't lose you."

His voice was almost drowned out by the pounding of blood rushing through my ears, each word a desperate plea that only fueled my rage. I felt a coldness seep into my bones, something so utterly dreadful it was paralyzing. I hated him with every fiber of my being and I needed to escape, but his grip was ironclad, my wrists throbbing from the pressure. I fully believed he could snap my bones if he truly wanted.

I felt utterly defenseless, standing there in nothing but swim trunks, nearly naked before him. My body was exposed, the cool air prickling against me, Dominics eyes still unable to resist their ravenous sweep across my vulnerability, trying to take in what he could while he still had the chance. I was horrified to recognize that predatory gaze of his that I had seen long ago, long before moving in with him and Lily. I had been too naive at the time to see his true intentions. But it was clear now that Dom would stop at nothing in his pursuit of me. I felt stripped of all my defenses, laid bare for the world to see, with no escape from him. He had lied and used me, driving me to the edge of my sanity. I had finally reached my breaking point.

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