25. Tube Floaty

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A/N: Just wanna remind y'all that I write horrible people. If you read my other story, you know. Please do not be charmed by Dominic.

Also, here's a very rough drawing of Adam in his floaty I made so you can visualize the type of floaty better. Smut chapter ahead involving said float.

Very poorly drawn, ok? Adam is much cuter than this, just wanted y'all to visualize it in case my writing doesn't do justice

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Very poorly drawn, ok? Adam is much cuter than this, just wanted y'all to visualize it in case my writing doesn't do justice.


My perspective of Dominic had begun to soften. After seeing that video of his younger self loving on those kittens, something inside me shifted. His gentleness, so at odds with the image I had of him, made me see him in a new light. He was so affectionate with his family and those kittens, it made me realize that maybe what I saw as antagonistic before, were actually offers of affection. But I couldn't say the same about his calculated kisses. 

Dominic's strategy was clever, always stealing kisses from me when Lily was close enough to make me hold back any protest. He knew I was less likely to vocalize my refusals with her nearby. It was infuriating, yet I couldn't deny the stir of something else beneath my irritation. With each sneaky kiss, the anger I clung to began to dissolve, slowly replaced by a grudging acceptance. I couldn't admit to myself, let alone anyone else, that I might enjoy those brief encounters. But the confusion was there, a mess of feelings I was slowly becoming used to. My resentment was tangled with a strange attraction to Dominic.

He seemed to have forgotten the incident on the patio, where he attempted to finger me and then abruptly dismissed me after my refusal. The memory always brought a blush to my cheeks, wondering how I had even managed to let him get as far as he did. I had been quite mad about it for awhile after, too, but I was starting to wonder if maybe I read the situation wrong. I now wondered if maybe Dominic was actually doing a good thing by bluntly telling me he was done when I refused to let him go further. Was he actually being considerate of my feelings for once? Was he accepting my boundaries? While they were definitely unclear, he seemed to be able to sense I really didn't want things going further between us. And he accepted it. So maybe Dominic wasn't too bad.

I watched Dominic from my spot in a donut floaty, legs hanging over the edge, my fingertips skimming the water. My bum was submerged in the center of the donut, keeping me cool while the sun beat down on me. Lily was in her own floaty, ambling around the pool slowly over by Dominic.

Upon noticing my gaze, though, Dom swiftly swam over to me, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Hi, my sweetheart," he had a smile that instantly made me suspicious. I narrowed my eyes at him, wondering what he planned.

"What?" I asked, glancing over at Lily, who was blissfully unaware of the impending trouble. She was far enough away that if Dominic played things right, he could make a move without her noticing.

"How are the trunks suiting you?" he asked, his question catching me off guard. They had always been fine, so why was he asking now?

"They're f-" Before I could finish, his hand slipped under my floaty, exploring curiously.

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