26. Silent Impact

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A/N: Hi readers, we're nearly halfway through the story and things will take a turn in Dom and Adams relationship. Physical abuse trigger warning. Just a little. 


After rinsing off the chemicals and changing into fresh clothes, I made my way to the dining room, hoping to find comfort in some food. The sound of laughter and splashing from the backyard reminded me that Lily and Dominic were still out there, enjoying themselves in the pool. Bitterness welled up inside me, tainting my every thought.

I grabbed a plate of food and settled down at the table, my gaze drifting towards the window, watching the two lovers. Dominic's smile shined bright, that mischievous glint in his eyes as he playfully splashed with Lily. It was infuriating to witness his carefree demeanor, seemingly untouched by the weight of our shared sins, devoid of any guilt for what had just happened between us. He had literally just had his tongue in my ass, and attempted to fuck me. Now he was kissing my sister with the same dirty mouth. Dominic was a nasty human being.

I continued to watch, my dismay growing with every affectionate gesture they exchanged. Dominic held Lily in his arms, his long limbs enveloping her petite frame as he lifted her up, her legs instinctively wrapping around him. His mouth descended upon her chest, a hunger in his actions, biting and exploring, until her swimsuit could no longer contain her breasts. Witnessing such a private moment sent a wave of heat through me, a mix of fury and shame. My disgust swelled, fueling my growing anger.

I didn't know why I was so mad. I always knew in the back of my mind that Dominic probably fucked Lily, given that she was his wife and all. Perhaps I had convinced myself it was just something he felt obligated to do. But the way he held her, and took her breast into his mouth... it was clear he desired her, just as he desired me. It was a harsh reality check. Dominic was a despicable human being.

A disgusted scoff escaped my lips and I stormed out of the kitchen, my anger propelling me towards my bedroom. Slamming the door shut, I sought refuge in the cocoon of my comforter, allowing the waves of anger to crash over me, consuming my thoughts and emotions.

Lying in bed, my mind was overwhelmed by anger. What if he was out there effortlessly sliding her swimsuit aside, fucking her like he tried with me earlier. The thought made my blood boil. And what if this wasn't the first time? Knowing Dom's insatiable horniness, it probably wasn't. It made me sick to my stomach, wondering if he had ever snuck around with her while I was nearby, completely clueless, just like Lily was to our secret trysts. The idea enraged me, twisting my gut and leaving me feeling nauseous.

I felt pissed off and disgusted, wanting to yell and punch something. Was this what jealousy felt like? It felt more like betrayal. But deep down, I knew I had no right to be upset. I was the intruder in their marriage, and Lily was the one who deserved to feel this anger.

Still, I couldn't help but seethe with rage. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, trying to calm myself. I didn't want to feel this way. I wasn't supposed to feel this way. I pulled the blanket over my head, hoping to shut out the world and drift off to sleep, desperate to escape this uncomfortable feeling. Eventually, exhaustion overpowered my emotions, and I finally succumbed to sleep.


I couldn't tell how much time had passed when the sound of my bedroom door opening startled me awake. Dominic was pleasantly surprised to find it unlocked, and I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to lock it in my fit of rage.

"Get out," I spat, not bothering to hide the intense hatred coursing through me.

His face contorted with annoyance. "Don't talk to me like that in my own damn house," he shot back, clearly irritated by my attitude.

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