54. Proving Loyalty

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A/N: This chapter is waayyyyy longer than I meant it to be. Sorry. Will probably be torture for Ryan stans. I'm not expecting as many comments since it's a smut chapter, but PLEASE tell me if you enjoy it. Or if it drives you crazy. 


When I walked into the house, Dom wasted no time and shoved his gym bag right into my arms. "This needs to go upstairs, in the gym," he instructed.

I looked at him, a bit annoyed. "Really?" I scoffed, trying to hand the bag back to him.

"Upstairs," he repeated firmly, leaving no room for argument.

Grumbling, I reluctantly took the bag and glanced one last time at the backyard, where Ryan was still engrossed in conversation with Lily and Rosie. I complained under my breath as I trudged upstairs, with Dominic trailing close behind, chuckling to himself. He was kind enough to open the gym door for me, and I dropped the bag unceremoniously.

"There," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. "You couldn't have done that yourself?"

"I could have," he replied with a smile. "But I enjoy making you work."

"You're awful," I huffed, turning to leave. But his hand on the back of my neck stopped me in my tracks, and my heart started racing at his strong grip. Suddenly, I felt like a trapped animal, with the hairs on my arms standing on end. "Dom?" I asked, trying my best to sound like his sweet, obedient boy who could do no wrong.

He ignored me, remaining silent as he pulled me by the neck, turning me towards the large window overlooking the backyard. Anxiety welled up inside me at his silence. Was he going to punish me now for having Ryan over? Was he actually going to hurt me like he had threatened? With a forceful shove, he pushed me closer to the window, causing me to stumble away from him. My hand instinctively went to rub my neck in confusion. I glanced out the window, the backyard lights and flickering fire pit casting an eerie glow on Ryan, Rosie, and Lily, who were oblivious to our presence.

"What are you doing?" I asked, desperately hoping that he wasn't actually going to hurt me.

"Making sure you remember that you're mine," he replied simply, stepping forward and making me back into the window. The coolness of the glass against my bare arms made me flinch, and I glanced behind me, finding solace in the fact that they were still unaware of what was happening.

"I am yours," I said nervously, my eyes locked with Dominic's now stone-faced expression. Where had his teasing smile gone? The anxiety coursing through me intensified as his gaze bore into my soul. "I haven't forgotten."

"Then you won't mind proving it," he growled, his voice slicing through the air like a blade. His eyes remained locked onto mine, a storm of possession raging within. "On your knees. Now."

My heart raced as I dropped to my knees, a mix of fear and anticipation coursing through me. This was the time to please Dom, rather than provoke him. His gentle hand grazed my cheek, sending shivers down my spine, and I was relieved that he wasn't being rough. Yet.

On my knees, with him towering over me like a force of nature, I felt like I truly did belong to him. I was eye level with the bulge in his pants and the power dynamic was palpable. I couldn't deny the strange allure of it all. Despite my fear, there was a twisted thrill in surrendering to his dominance, in being at the mercy of his desires, that is, as long as he refrained from hurting me. I wanted his praise instead, his pleasure.

I knew I should hate him, especially after his treatment of me in the alley. But in that moment, as I glanced out the window and saw Ryan cozying up to Rosie, something inside me snapped. It was like a switch had flipped, and all the pent-up frustration and jealousy surged to the surface.

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