39. Exploring or Exploiting

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A/N: Please remember to show your support by commenting or voting! Or adding this story to your reading lists! I hope you can find a way to enjoy Adam taking some control back in his life, even if his intentions are wrong.


It was now or never, I decided, feeling the surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. With one hand, I grabbed Ryans face and pulled him towards me, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss. The warmth of his lips against mine sent shivers down my spine, and I immediately found myself lost in the moment. It had been a while since I had kissed anyone, so I closed my eyes, savoring every sensation. To my surprise, Ryan responded eagerly, his hands gripping me tightly as he gently pushed me onto my back. He hovered above me, his lips devouring mine with a hunger that left me breathless. I was taken aback by his intense desire. Did Ryan actually have feelings for me?

Our hands fumbled desperately, trying to remove each other's clothes without breaking the fiery connection of our lips. We quickly shed our shirts, our lips reuniting in a passionate frenzy.

Seeing Ryan in this new light was unexpectedly arousing. His tall, lean frame pressed against my smaller body in a way that felt different from Dominic. Even his kisses had a unique flavor. But surprisingly, I found myself enjoying every moment of it. It was a surreal experience, pleasantly surprising, and I couldn't help but yearn to explore more of him.

Ryan kissed me with a desperation as if he thought this could all come crashing down the moment we stopped. Dominic always kissed me as if he already owned me, so it was strange and exhilarating to be kissed by Ryan as if every second was precious, as if he couldn't get enough of me. His hands roamed my body with a curiosity that I had never felt from Dominic. Dominic would touch me as if he owned me, as if I were always his, just a possession. But with Ryan, it was different. It was as if he was discovering a whole new side of himself through exploring me.

I wanted to see more of Ryan's body, but I decided to let him explore mine, for his own sake. This was a new experience for him, and I wanted him to savor every moment, just as I was.

As our movements slowed, Ryan pulled away, breaking the kiss. He looked down at me, his eyes scanning my shirtless form, as if seeing me for the first time. His heavy breathing filled the air.

"I guess... the kiss meant something," he said, a smile forming on his lips. Then, he laughed, admitting, "I didn't know how much I wanted that."

Guilt washed over me, knowing that I didn't feel the same way. The kiss felt good, not because I wanted him, but because I wanted to hurt Dominic, even if he would never find out. It was a way for me to prove to myself that I didn't belong to him anymore.

"Wanna go for a swim?" I suggested, thinking it would be an easy way to take our relationship further. I had learned that from Dominic. A swimming pool was the perfect place for some secret touches.

"What? Right now?" Ryan looked surprised. "It's like midnight."

"They'll both be asleep, it's fine," I reassured him.

I knew Lily would immediately pass out when she got back from her gig, but Dominic would probably still be awake. He usually worked on his laptop in their room until 1 or 2am.

"Okay, yeah, sure," Ryan agreed, seeming a bit flustered. It was strange to see him like that, since he was usually so confident. Guilt stabbed at me again, but I quickly pushed it down. I wasn't corrupting Ryan. I was just helping him explore his sexuality, like a good friend would.

After changing into our swim trunks, we tiptoed our way to the pool, the cool night air creating a mystical fog over the still water. The shimmering pool lights added an enchanting touch to the atmosphere. As we slipped into the pleasantly warm water, Ryan couldn't help but express his surprise.

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