4. Underwater Kiss

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The sun blazed in the cloudless sky, its fiery rays turning the day into one of laziness. I let out a sigh as I reclined on my pool floaty and felt the sweat trickle down my chest. The cool water lapped at my sun kissed skin, offering a welcome contrast to the heat. Keeping my feet and hands submerged made the sun bearable. Lily and Dominic were in a different part of the pool, their laughs echoing off the water. I could feel their splashes sending ripples across the pool, the water shimmering under the unforgiving sun.

As I lounged on my pool float, soaking up the suns warm embrace, a sudden icy splash jolted me from my tranquility. Startled, I opened my eyes to see Dominic a few feet away, a sheepish smile on his lips.

"Sorry!" He called, lifting the pool noodle that had sent the water to distrub my relaxation.

"I'm napping!" I called out and kicked water back at him before I resumed my relaxed position, cool water dripping down my face.

"Aw, let him sleep," Lily chimed in, her voice filled with affectionate understanding. As I settled back into my relaxation, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence, keeping her playful husband at bay.

As I began to drift off once again, I could feel movement in the water as someone swam closer. I hoped it wasn't Dominic about to splash me again. To my annoyance, a voice spoke up, disrupting my peace once again.

"You look hot," Dominic said, his eyes scanning my chest, noticing the glistening sweat that had gathered.

"Thanks," I said and Dominic chuckled, not bothering to clarify what he meant by hot.

He swam to the edge of the pool then, casually leaning on the edge. He was still too close for comfort and I sat up, watching him. But he just stared out into the yard, his eyes scanning the lovely greenery with a silent appreciation.

"Isn't this nicer than that pool at Vitality?" He sighed, admiring the beauty.

He was right, but I didn't want to admit it. I was proud of my job and didn't want to trash talk it to this guy who probably couldn't understand working a pink or blue collar job.

"You have a nice home." I said, not wanting to feel awkward by not responding. But Dom continued to stare out at the yard, deep in thought as if he hadn't even bothered to listen to me. I sighed, staring off towards the greenery, wishing I could go back to the Pacific Northwest where there was green everywhere. What id'd give to just sit in a forest in a rainstorm once again.

"You know, you don't have to work there." He said suddenly and then looked at me. "You can just use my gym, use my pool."

I stared at him for a moment. Did he not understand that I had bills to pay? Or was he also offering to pay those in addition to letting me use his facilities? No way.

"Can't afford that." I said and he waved his hand at me.

"Nonsense!" He said, and smiled as if he were the most generous person in the world. "I can take care of you."

It seemed like he was trying very hard to seem good and I was highly suspicious. What was with this guy? I didn't want to be trapped here. I had to make my own way. And sure, I could accept help sometimes, but I couldn't let Dominic have complete control over me by paying for everything I had. And why was he even offering to do so? Did he really have that much money that he could throw around? Or had Lily convinced him to see me as family? If this was her doing, then maybe I could accept some of the help. I looked over towards where she relaxed on a floaty.

"I like working at Vitality." I said.

"Because of your friend?"

I thought it was strange he would think of Ryan but I guess he had something to do with me enjoying my job. It was just a plus to work with your best friend.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well, if you ever need any help. Don't be afraid to ask." He said and placed a friendly hand on my shoulder.

I looked at his hand, confused. Was I wrong in how I saw Dominic? Maybe he really was a friendly guy after all. Or maybe he saw me as a little creature in need of rescue and got some kind of high by helping me, knowing just how much better he was than me. His unnaturally perfect smile aided in the latter image I had of the man.

In a splash, Dominic was under the water, making his way towards his unsuspecting wife. I watched him swim so smoothly under the surface and thought he looked like an crocodile on the hunt. Suddenly, he flipped her floaty and the air was immediately filled with her screeches and his laughter. She splashed him back, laughing before she wrapped her arm around his neck in a headlock, pulling him down under the water. I thought back to our summers as children when we played the same way. I would tip her floaty, she would try to drown me. A sigh escaped me as I realized she had replaced me with Dominic.

I closed my eyes, trying to return to my slumber. The two love birds continued their playfulness, their laughs carrying across the water to me. As I began to drift off, I noticed it was suddenly quiet. As I was about to open my eyes to investigate, I felt the bottom of my floaty lift and I was dumped unceremoniously into the refreshing blue water. As the water surrounded me, I caught a glimpse of blurred legs beneath the surface. Instinctively, I reached out and gripped an ankle, pulling the unsuspecting victim down into the watery depths alongside me. To my utter horror, it wasn't my sister, but Dominic, with that mischievous grin plastered across his face. 

The colorful floaty above us cast a cascade of vibrant hues, hiding our unexpected encounter from my sister's view. In that bewildering moment, Dom gave a grin, his eyes filled with determination. In one swift movement, Dominic grabbed my face, pulling me toward him where he planted a quick kiss on my lips. Before I could even process what had happened, Dominic kicked off the pools bottom and propelled himself back up to the surface, disappearing in an instant like nothing happened. I stared, air bubbles escaping my confused lips.

Did that really just happen? My mind reeled from the unexpected kiss. What the hell was he doing?? I quickly shot to the surface, pushing air and water from my nose with a frustrated huff. I couldn't believe it. Dominic had just kissed me! What the hell was that about? My mind raced with confused questions. My eyes quickly scanned the series of pools, ready to yell at the assaulting man. My eyes soon landed on him and Lily, the two of them locked in an embrace, making out right there in the water. A disgusted scoff escaped me and I let out a grunt of disapproval. Did she not just see her husband kiss me?

"You guys have a room for that!" I yelled at the two. Instead of embarrassment, the they simply chuckled, seeming unfazed by my discomfort.

"You're gonna judge me in my own pool?" Dominic teased and I felt my face go red.

Why did he kiss me? It made no sense. Did he think he had tipped Lily and kissed her or something? While we did look alike, she was considerably shorter than me, and in a bikini! I stared at the two, eyes narrowed in suspicion. How did he just get away with that? Lily really didn't see him kiss me under the water?

Lily slipped out of Dominics embrace then, heading for the edge of the pool. "I'm gonna go finish my nap inside!" She announced and anxiety washed over me as I watched her disappear into the house.

Dominic immediately began swimming right towards me and my heart raced with anticipation. Was he going to mock me for not telling Lily he kissed me? Was he going to try and kiss me again? What was he going to do?

"Wanna jump in the hot tub?" He asked casually.

I was speechless, utterly bewildered. Seriously? It was a scorching 80 degrees outside! This guy was definitely out of his mind. Dominic chuckled at my baffled expression.

"Do you want me to get heat stroke?" I asked and he laughed.

"You're right. It's hot enough with the two of us out here," he said with a wink and then dove back into the pool.

I stared, completely confused. What was wrong with this guy? While he swam away, I quickly made my escape back into the house. 

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