17. Whiskers and Whispers

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A/N: Hope you can enjoy this short chapter. Doesn't drive the plot but it was just a fun short one I thought I'd throw in.

I entered the living room where Dom and Lily were curled up watching something on the tv. I settled into a wingback chair, eyeing them from the corner of my eye as I pretended to watch whatever they had on. Dominic had his arms around Lily, his hand gently rubbing her belly in a circular motion. Bitterness washed over me, knowing I really needed to find a way out of this complicated situation, out of their family. I had no place letting my teenage hormones ruin what they were building together.

I could sense Dominic's eyes on me and quickly looked down at my phone, pretending to doom scroll. But I could still feel his intense stare burning a hole into me. I wondered what he was thinking, probably coming up with some devious plan to be alone with me again.

I thought back to the other night at Lily's concert. I had foolishly thought being in public would prevent his advances, but he was one step ahead of me. He had slyly lured me away from the people backstage, where he could easily be recognized, and brought me into the dark crowd where nobody knew him. I was starting to think that maybe Dominic was more cunning than I initially assumed.

"Oh, my beautiful Betty!" Dominic chimed suddenly, his eyes lighting up as his fluffy cat sauntered into the room.

She mewed a warm greeting, standing poised in the doorway, her feathered tail held high with pride.

"Betty?" I questioned, finding the name strange for a cat.

"Betty Grey, actually," he clarified, his eyes soft with admiration. I couldn't recall ever seeing him look at Lily with as much affection.

Without a moment's hesitation, Betty Grey leapt onto Lily's lap, rolling onto her back right over Lily's stomach. It was as if she could sense the tiny life blossoming within. Dominic was utterly engrossed in Betty Grey, his gaze filled with love while Lily absentmindedly stroked the cat, her attention on the TV.

"Ouch!" Lily yelped out of nowhere, her body jolting in surprise. "She bit me!"

Betty Grey's ears flattened against her head, and she responded with a sassy flick of her tail, offering Lily no apology. In a swift motion, she leaped into Dom's arms, sweetly rubbing her face against his chin as he struggled to hold back his laughter.

"She hates me," Lily pouted, crossing her arms. "He's my husband, you know!" she declared to the cat, earning an eye roll from Dom.

"That's my daughter, don't be so mean," he said, his arms wrapped lovingly around the small feline. In his embrace, Betty Grey seemed so tiny and even a little bit cute.

"No, she thinks you're her boyfriend," Lily teased, observing her husband's gentle strokes with his strong hands. Betty Grey settled comfortably into Dom's lap, curling up and emitting a contented purr.

"Don't say such blasphemy. She's my little girl," Dom chuckled.

Lily crossed her arms, her brows furrowed with a playful pout. "She pees on my stuff, she bites me, she usually runs from me. She hates me!" Lily complained.

"She just likes me because I'm her dad. I've had her since she was a kitten, so I'm all she knows."

Even though I wasn't particularly fond of cats, I would've given anything to see a photo of Dom with Betty Grey as a tiny kitten.

"How long have you had her?" I asked, genuinely curious.

As if sensing that I was talking about her, Betty Grey lifted her head and noticed my presence for the first time. Without hesitation, she hopped out of Dom's lap and made her way over to me. I tried my best not to show any disgust as she rubbed her head against my phone.

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