51. Nature Calls

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A/N: Again, this is a smut/fluff chapter. Very long and probably won't be super enjoyable for readers who hate Dom. For those that do like Dom, I can't wait to eventually publish his POV book. I know his audience will be small but it'll be nice for others to see his side of this story too.


Dominic had left on his own to pick up Lily from the city. I didn't think it was a good idea to leave the campsite unattended, plus I had no interest in riding in the car for the hour it took to drive there and the hour back. As the day wore on, I found myself immersed in the serene beauty of the forest, relishing the solitude that stretched for miles around the campsite. It was a blissful escape from the scorching California sun and a chance to reminisce the memories of my childhood camping adventures.

I hadn't even known how badly I needed this trip. It made me realize just how much of myself I had lost since moving to California. I didn't even recognize who I was becoming. Was that just normal for becoming an adult? I still had around seven months before my 18th birthday. I felt the weight of adulthood pressing upon me, especially after being forced out of my parents' home. However, being back in the embrace of Oregon's forests seemed to mend my wounded spirit.

Time seemed to crawl as I awaited Dom and Lily's return. The car's tires on the gravel road finally broke the silence, signaling their arrival. The sun was due to set soon and they had been gone longer than the two hours it should have taken. I couldn't help but wonder if Dom had spent some time with James before bringing Lily to the campground. Jealousy flickered within me, but I swiftly suppressed it, not wanting to let it tarnish the joy of the trip. Finally, Dom parked the car, and Lily emerged, immediately hugging herself to ward off the chill.

"Damn, it's freezing out here!" she exclaimed, her teeth chattering. "How did you guys manage to get any sleep last night?"

Dom joined her, stepping out of the car and swiftly encircling his shivering wife with his strong arms.

"We spent the night huddled together for warmth," Dominic quipped, his grin mischievous which Lily interpreted as jest. "Naked." He added.

Lily responded with a playful jab, "Ew, I always suspected you might be into little boys!" Their laughter mingled as they shared a kiss.

I looked away, disgusted by their affection. "I'm not a little boy," I grumbled, feeling slighted. Despite my age, Dom's bond with me wasn't too corrupting. I was nearly an adult, able to make my own choices when it came to who I shared my bed with. And I was well aware that my choices likely weren't the greatest right now... But I felt brave enough to explore those bad choices. Lily needed to start seeing me as an adult if Dom ever intended to disclose his feelings for me.

Lily laughed, "Oh, Adam, in my mind, you're forever that 10-year-old boy I left behind when I moved out." She slipped free from Dom's embrace to affectionately pinch my cheek.

I dodged her gesture, pulling out of her playful pinch, relieved Dom hadn't seen me during those awkward years.

"I'm sure you were a cutie," Dominic winked, still playing on the liking little boys joke Lily made. It was probably an attempt to ease Lily into the idea of accepting his feelings for me, by disguising it as a joke.

"Gay," I retorted, rolling my eyes, which only made him chuckle.

"So, what's for dinner?" Lily plopped down into Dom's camping chair, leaving him to squeeze into her smaller one. It was quite a sight since he clearly didn't fit in hers, and she looked tiny in his.

"I can grill up some burgers," Dominic suggested, a smile lighting up his face.

Grilling was always his thing, even back in California, in his gorgeous backyard. At least here, he had something he truly enjoyed doing. I was pretty sure he despised everything else about this trip, except for our sexual escapades.

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