49. Ryan the Dog (Part 2)

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A/N: Part two of the previous chapter. Sorry for cutting it off in the middle of their steaminess! It will continue where they left off.


I lifted my hand to him, his face turning apprehensive. "Taste it," I said, and his eyes met mine, letting out a nervous laugh.

"You're joking," he chuckled, his eyes darting to the cum dripping from my hand.

"Oh, are you a bad dog? Not doing what you're told?" My playful tease seemed to stir something in him, arousing his eagerness to play along, to become my cute submissive dog again.

Rather than reply with words, Ryan leaned forward, his tongue carefully tasting his own semen off my hand. It was an odd mix of repulsion and allure for me and I was finding a bizarre pleasure in making him do something so nasty.

Ryan's tentative tongue explored the contours of my hand, and a surprising warmth washed over me. I hadn't expected such a simple act to stir up such a response, my dick pulsing with need as his mouth sucked my pointer finger. His tongue swirled around it and I could only stare with wide eyes, stunned by the strange sensation. It was as if each careful lap of his tongue resonated deep inside me, tapping into a well of emotions that I didn't realize were waiting to be explored. I watched, fascinated and a bit bewildered by the pleasure of the unexpected intimacy between us.

After he was finished cleaning my hand, I hoped he would return the favor and take a turn in making my dick feel good. With a shaky breath, I summoned the courage to ask. "Does my good dog want a special treat?" My pulse raced with the thrill of our play, so nervous that he might deny me at any moment.

Ryan glanced towards my lap, noticing my boner, and then met my eyes. "Yes, master," he responded, the words swirling arousal through me. I was relieved, thankful that he was finally willing to please me without thoughts of Rosie stopping him.

I quickly shed my sweatpants, which didn't have boxers beneath them, having put only sweats on in the morning after my naked night with Dom. I removed my shirt too, completely naked before Ryan. Not too long ago I was embarrassed by my nakedness, desperate to hide from Dominic's prying eyes. But something in me had changed because now I was eager to show myself to Ryan. His lustful gaze scanned my nude body, his expression a look I had come to crave, a look that spoke volumes of his desire for me. My heart thrummed in my chest as I reclined, pulling the leash as I did, guiding Ryan closer with a gentle insistence. He hovered over me, his eyes full of longing, practically begging me for my next command.

"Kiss me. Everywhere," I said, my voice barely a whisper.

He nodded, and his soft lips started raining kisses all over my chest. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation. My mind couldn't help but wander back to the previous night when Dominic kissed my body with the same yearning. My fingers wove through Ryan's silky hair, gripping it tightly, using it to ground me in place as the storm of my confusing emotions swelled inside.

I indulged in a thought of a universe where Dom and Ryan didn't hate each other. I would bask in the feeling of both their hot kisses worshipping my body, competing to lavish me with ecstasy. But I knew that would never happen. The hate they felt for each other was too strong with Dominic wanting to claim me, and Ryan hoping to protect me from Dom's violence. Having to accept the impossibility of such a fantasy I decided I would just appreciate what each one of them could offer, one at a time.

Ryan's kisses traveled down my body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. His lips found their way to my nipples, his tongue teasing them into firm peaks. My chest rose as I took in a deep breath, the air filling my lungs, working to push my chest closer to his nibbling teeth. But then his lips moved even lower, and my eyes widened in surprise as he kissed below my navel, following the path of my happy trail. I could feel the pulsing excitement of my dick, craving more of his attention. As his mouth finally enveloped my needy cock, a sharp intake of breath shook me, my fingers tightening in his hair. Pleasure washed over me, and I closed my eyes, surrendering to the warmth of his mouth.

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