31. Melodies and Jealousies

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A/N: Hi, sorry this is late. I had a frustrating day at work yesterday and could not get in the mood to write. Another long one so get comfy.


It was pure bliss seeing Dominic's reaction when Ryan arrived. He was utterly shocked, not expecting me to bring anyone to the concert with me. I had told Lily ahead of time, so she had known at least. I reveled in the subtle torment Dominic felt, just as he had inflicted on me throughout our entire affair. It was a moment of pure satisfaction, watching Dominic squirm as he was forced to greet Ryan with a warm smile, alongside Lily. He didn't even have time to shoot me a death glare in the chaos he was feeling.

Soon enough we were all about to load up into Dominic's car to head to the concert. Ryan was already seated in the backseat, excitedly texting Rosie, probably telling her he wished she could come.

"So, Ryan, huh?" Lily nudged me with her elbow, giving me a knowing wink. She still really thought there was something between him and me?

"Stop that," I scoffed, quickly glancing to Dominic who stared with narrowed eyes.

Thankfully, he just slipped into the driver's seat, making sure to roll his window down slightly so he could still hear our conversation as he sulked. I could see Ryan look up from his phone in the backseat, uncomfortable to be alone in the car with the man.

"I'm just saying, you guys seem pretty close," Lily said, giving a shrug. "You sure he doesn't think this is a date?"

"It's not a date," I replied, glancing over to the car to see Ryan with his face pressed to the window, staring at me with panic, demanding my help from Dominic. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at his expression. "We should go."

Soon enough, we were all loaded up and on our way to the concert. Lily was excitedly listing off the songs she planned to open with, and Ryan was full of questions about her work and the people she's met. I noticed Dominic's watchful eye in the rearview mirror, making sure Ryan kept his hands off me in the backseat.

Before long, we arrived and parted ways with Lily. As we shuffled into the building, the three of us were forced into close proximity due to the crowd. Ryan held onto my elbow, determined not to lose me in the sea of people. In front of me, Dominic had a firm grip on my wrist, pulling me along as he navigated through the crowd. I shook free from both of their grasps once we reached the back of the room, where we waited for the show to start.

"I'll be back, need to use the restroom real quick," Ryan said, starting to push his way back through the crowd.

"Wait, I'll come too," I quickly responded, not wanting to be left alone with Dominic.

"Uh, no. I'm taking a shit," he replied bluntly, and I pursed my lips at the information. I stepped back into place beside Dominic, feeling a mix of anxiety and annoyance. Ryan gave a thankful nod and a warning glare at Dom before he disappeared into the crowd, heading towards the bathroom.

Dominic immediately brightened, as if this was a delightful surprise. With both Ryan and Lily here, he probably assumed he wouldn't get the opportunity to do anything to me. But now we were alone and his hands immediately found their way to the front of my pants.

"Quit that," I snapped, prying his hand off with a firm grip.

"How can you treat me so mean?" He pouted playfully and then laughed. "She won't see us, you know. See those stage lights? They blind her to what's going on in the crowd."

I followed his finger to the stage where bright lights shined on Lily's band as they introduced themselves. The audience was a shadowy mass, so he was definitely right. I could barely even see Lily from where we stood near the back. There was no way Lily would be able to see her husbands hand on me.

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