24. Ulterior Motives?

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A/N: I've been sick all week so sorry that I haven't uploaded since Sunday. Btw if you're German, I'm sorry if my translations are wrong. Please help me.


I lay on my belly in bed, trying to focus on my assignment about hydrotherapy. My mind wandered to my own recent pool activities, which were usually tainted by Dominics playful perversions. My mood was instantly soured as I recalled that embarrassing ordeal on the patio the other day. Dom had bent me over his knee and spanked me like I was some child in need of discipline. And then he tried to touch my... yeah. It was an immediate no from me. Touching there wasn't even something I had done while masturbating. The memory filled me with humiliation and I was angry, both at Dominic and at myself for letting things get that far.

Maybe I was being overly sensitive since I had allowed Dom to do other absurd stuff to me. But I couldn't shake the awkward feeling of his dismissal after I stopped him. Was my ass his only intension? He seemed to lose any interest in me when I stopped him and it filled me with an uncomfortable feeling, as if I was worthless to Dominic if I wasn't going to satisfy him.

I let out an exasperated groan, hiding my face in my pillow as anxiety consumed me. Why did I even care?? I should have told him 'damn right, keep your pervert hands off me'. Hell, I shouldn't have even let things get that far. It was my own fault because lately I had almost been seeking him out, following Lily and Dom around like some puppy hoping for scraps of attention. No wonder Dominic thought I was his good boy.

Or at least, he did. Now I was feeling thrown away like a useless piece of garbage. He hadn't even tried anything sexual since that day but he was all over Lily, showering her with love and kisses. It somewhat peeved me but I tried to be thankful of the brief respite from his perversions.

Eventually, Lily came into the room and sat on the bed with me. She asked if I was coming with them. "Huh?" I asked, confused.

"To Dom's family's house," she replied matter-of-factly.

"What? Why would I go to one of his family things?" I questioned, finding the idea bizarre.

"Because you're our family, Adam," She said like it was obvious.

"I'm your family. Not his," I raised an eyebrow at her and she seemed hurt by my words on Dominics behalf. "It'll be weird." I added.

"Dominic wants you there," she said as if that would change my mind. He must have had ulterior motives. Dom probably just wanted to fuck me in his old bedroom or some perverted shit like that. I guess he was over my rejection and was ready for more.

"So?" I scoffed. Why on earth would I subject myself to another family gathering, and not even my own family. Those things were always dreadful, and I always tried my best to avoid conversations.

"Adam, don't be an ass. He cares about you," Lily implored, stirring a sense of guilt within me.

Even if that was true... It would be completely inappropriate for me to go, since I was technically the paramour to her husband. I had no place in their family.

"I'd rather not go," I said and Lily's gaze sharpened.

"He's been incredibly supportive of you, done so much for you, and you're always just so cold to him," she retorted with a twinge of irritation. "It's honestly kind of embarrassing."

She found me embarrassing? The fuck?? Where was this coming from? Sure, Dominic's generosity covered my college fees and provided me a home, but that hardly made us family. If he were just a regular husband, minus the twisted games and unwanted kisses, I might understand her desire for us to bond. But she had no idea the horrible cheating man her husband truly was. And somehow, I was being made to look like the asshole. With a sigh of exasperation, I wondered if perhaps I should attend, if only to glimpse the kind of upbringing that spawned someone as bizarre as Dominic.

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