29. Possessive Promise

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A/N: Welp, this chapter is 1,100 more words than I wanted. Settle in for another long one.

As I approached the glimmering oasis of Dominic's backyard, the contrast between the serene landscape and my churning thoughts was stark. The pool, a unique jewel amidst the perfectly manicured greenery, reflected the setting sun in a dazzling display of color. I stepped through the sliding glass door, my heart pounding in a rhythm out of sync with Dominic's methodical laps in the water.

He paused briefly, a silent acknowledgment of my presence before continuing his swim, clearly indifferent to my arrival. I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. I wasn't here to apologize out of guilt; Dom didn't deserve an apology after what he did to me. But the threat of losing my place here, under the shelter of his grandeur, spurred me to swallow my pride.

I stood at the pool's edge, waiting for him to take a break from the laps. But Dominic seemed content to leave me to my uncertainty, his strokes cutting through the water with disciplined disregard. An impatient sigh escaped me as I caught Lily's eye through the window. She gestured, an unspoken command to act, but I could only offer a helpless shrug in response. What did she expect me to do? Jump in the pool fully clothed?

Suddenly, the sloshing of water stopped and Dominic was at the edge of the pool, right at my feet. He still looked annoyed, but thankfully was not as furious as I had seen him earlier. He then looked past me and caught sight of Lily in the window, watching us. The hint of a smile flickered across his face, finding her amusing.

"Well?" His voice cut through the evening air, eyes locking onto mine. "What do you want?"

I felt somewhat relieved by his faint smile. I would much rather see it than his anger from earlier. But his smile was directed at his loving wife. I still needed to tread lightly.

"Just wanted to say sorry," I muttered, my face burning with embarrassment. "I shouldn't have said that."

"What?" he taunted, hand to his ear, pretending not to hear.

Seriously? Did he expect me to undress and join him in just boxers? He knew Lily was likely watching us. I squat down at the edge of the pool while Dominic just stared, waiting for my apology. His eyes held a hint of mischief, as if he were amused by me. He was clearly no longer angry. I didn't need to be doing this shit.

"I said—," I started, my voice firmer this time. But before I could finish, he grabbed my elbows and yanked me into the water.

I was instantly engulfed in the cool water, bubbles prickling against my face. My clothes clung to me like a second skin, weighing me down. I quickly struggled to the surface, gasping for air and coughing out the water that had invaded my lungs.

"Dominic!" I yelled, anger lacing my voice, but he just laughed and splashed water my way.

I heard the sliding door open and close, and I turned to see Lily rushing to the edge of the pool.

"You okay?" she asked, concern etched on her face as I continued to cough.

I managed a weak nod, my eyes fixed on Dominic, who was grinning a few feet away. Annoyed, I retaliated by splashing water back at him, but it only made him laugh even more.

"Fucker," I glared at Dominic. "Will the pool chemicals bleach my clothes?"

Dominic's smirk deepened. "Probably. Guess you'll just have to take them off," he teased.

Lily watched the exchange, amusement dancing in her eyes, seemingly oblivious to Dom's flirtatious undertone. She likely assumed he was just trying to embarrass me.

I swam over to the pool's edge and hoisted myself out, feeling the heavy drag of my soaked clothes. I started towards the house but Lily playfully blocked my path, her hand pressed lightly against my chest.

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