59. Just Say You Love Me ⚠️TW⚠️

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

A/N: This chapter will contain very obvious noncon. It will be VERY different to the vibe of the last one. If you find that you can't get through the whole thing, just scroll to the end so you don't miss what happens with Lily.

I'm sorry in advance if this chapter will be uncomfortable to read. Some of the events in this chapter are inspired by things that happened to me, as are many scenes throughout this whole story. So it is difficult for me to write and put this out there for criticism. I will be very annoyed if I see anyone angry with Adam in this chapter. (Unless it's a Dom fan angry that Adam is trying to leave, that I can understand.)


I had finished packing before my shift at Vitality. Before leaving for work, I left all the bags ready outside my closet, and my plan was to call an Uber to take me to my parents once I got home. They weren't expecting me, but I had a feeling I could lie my way back into my room. I was nervous about seeing them again, but it had to be better than continuing my current life.

Dominic had been unsuspecting when he drove me to work, clueless and happy. My lower back was aching from all our sex, but I was glad to be rid of my virginity, free now to explore my sexuality further. For the briefest moment, I felt a twinge of eagerness, hopeful that maybe I could finally do it with Ryan. But I immediately felt a wave of sadness and embarrassment at the thought, knowing there was no repairing what we had. It was no surprise when I didn't see Ryan working the same shift as me, having switched to mornings. He knew I'd never work in the morning, being more of a night owl.

It was Lily who ended up picking me up after my shift, with Dom busy in his home office. That did ease my nerves somewhat about leaving him, knowing I could just go in, grab my bags, and slip out. But I wanted to see if he truly would be hurt by me ending things, or if it would just trigger that obsessive possession I knew him for. He had claimed to love me. So maybe it would be different this time.

With Lily finally home, I would be able to tell him we were done, and then go with my bags. While I had been planning this for a while, ever since he destroyed my friendship with Ryan, I felt unprepared. I had expected to feel eager, but I didn't. Instead, I was anxious and a little sad to be finally ending our affair for good. Despite hating what Dom had turned my life into, I couldn't deny how comforting it was to have someone to be physical with.

Before Dom, I was both touch-starved and touch-averse. It was a contradiction that left me feeling utterly isolated, my parents being far from physically affectionate. Lily was the only person in my childhood who ever hugged me. When I moved here, Ryan had his moments of pushing my boundaries as well, but the brief affection from them was nothing compared to the profound gratification I felt being with Dominic physically. The thought of returning to a life devoid of human contact was daunting, at least until I was ready to find someone new.

Lily chatted happily about who knows what as I stared out the window, feeling my anxiety mount the closer we got to the house. While I no longer felt guilt for my affair with her husband, I did feel a pang of shame at the thought of leaving her without an explanation. My plan after ending things with Dom was to just disappear without alerting her. I didn't want her probing into my reasons for leaving, since I couldn't exactly tell her about the situation between Dom and me. She was likely going to send me a string of confused texts, which I could just ignore until I came up with a plausible excuse for leaving. Maybe I could tell her I was giving her space for their baby that was due in 4ish months.

When we got home, Lily immediately headed upstairs to practice her guitar in her art room. The sound of her music began to vibrate through the house, a comforting reminder that I could now face Dominic. My heart pounded as I ascended the stairs, stepping into their shared space. With each step closer to Dom's office, Lily's playing grew louder, reassuring me that her music would mask any potential outbursts from Dom. But I doubted he would let himself react too strongly, knowing Lily was just a wall away.

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