40. Unleashed Fury ⚠️TW⚠️

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A/N: Trigger warning for uhhh sexual assault... violence... Some very clear noncon in this chapter. Keep in mind Dominic and Adam are both toxic af now. It doesn't excuse what's about to go down, though.

Also this chapter is very long so get comfortable. 5,884 words.


As I slowly emerged from the depths of sleep, I felt the soft touch of lips against mine. My drowsy body instinctively recoiled, startled by the unexpected intrusion. Blinking my eyes open, I found myself in a state of confusion.

"Good morning," Ryan's voice greeted me.

My face contorted with dismay as I struggled to comprehend the situation. With the sunlight filtering through the room, I could see Ryan's smiling face before me, and a rush of embarrassment flooded over me as I recalled the previous night. What the hell had gotten into me? We were both shirtless, hidden beneath the warmth of my blanket, and I could feel the undeniable presence of my morning wood pressed against his thigh. Hastily, I pulled away, creating a physical distance between us.

"I have to get to class soon," Ryan said, seemingly unfazed by our sudden separation. "Didn't want to just disappear on you." His hand gave my ass a firm squeeze, causing my eyes to widen as I realized the weight on my body was his arm.

"Okay," I finally managed to utter, still bewildered by the fact that I had woken up in his embrace. I wanted to pull away, not yet accustomed to his closeness.

Whatever had come over me the previous night had momentarily overridden my usual aversion to touch. But now, that reluctance had resurfaced, and I wanted Ryan out of my bed.

"You can let yourself out," I grumbled sleepily, rolling over so my back was turned to him. Being roused from my sleep was not appreciated.

"Ouch," Ryan teased, his arms pulling me back against his chest. The sensation of his bulge pressing against my ass sent a fiery blush creeping up my face. "Not even a kiss goodbye?"

His lips found my cheek, and I instinctively buried my face into my pillow, trying to evade his advances. "What are you doing? Quit that," I grumbled, feeling him stiffen behind me.

"Sorry," he murmured in a soft voice.

Ignoring his apology, I closed my eyes, hoping to reclaim my slumber. I was not an easy riser. I could sense Ryan's movements on the bed as he shifted away. The sound of him rummaging through his bag was unmistakable, followed by the rustling of him changing out of his pajama bottoms into something new.

Once again, the mattress dipped as Ryan sat beside me. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked, concern thick in his voice.

In that moment, something other than sleepiness stirred within me. Rolling over, I met his gaze and saw the genuine worry reflected in his expression. He looked so sweet, and a pang of guilt washed over me for my coldness towards him.

"Give me a kiss," I said, and his frown shifted into a warm smile as he leaned down, pressing his soft lips against mine.

He was gentle, and I allowed myself to savor the pleasant sensation. His hand cradled my face, his fingers delicately weaving into my hair. Our tongues danced in a dance of exploration, and my dick swelled, aching with longing.

"Enough," I interjected, pushing him away with a quickness. "Unless you plan on sucking my dick."

Ryan's face flushed a deep shade of red, his eyes widening in a mix of embarrassment and surprise. "Uh, I, um, gotta get to class," he stammered, his nervousness almost cute. A small chuckle escaped me as I rolled back over, trying to reclaim my precious sleep. "Text me when you're up," he added, planting a final kiss on the back of my head.

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