Chapter 1

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In the heart of the bustling city, within the confines of a cutting-edge hospital laboratory, Dr. Jeon Wonwoo delved into the intricate world of virology. His sharp mind and dedicated spirit were well-known among his colleagues, but little did they know that behind the stern facade was a heart entwined with the warmth of love. Kim Mingyu, a charming and vivacious individual, had captured Wonwoo's heart, and their story unfolded amidst the sterile walls of the research facility.

As Wonwoo delved deep into his research on a dangerously potent virus, Mingyu sat in a corner of the lab, admiring Wonwoo's focused beauty. The play of fluorescent lights on Wonwoo's determined face only heightened Mingyu's affection. Lost in the symphony of scientific instruments, Wonwoo was unaware of Mingyu's silent admiration until Mingyu couldn't contain his feelings any longer.

"Stop watching me! I am trying to focus here," Wonwoo said, a blush painting his usually composed features as Mingyu's gaze interrupted his concentration.

"I can't. You're so beautiful. I spend my day watching you," Mingyu confessed, unable to resist the gravitational pull of Wonwoo's presence. Rising from his seat, Mingyu approached Wonwoo and gently back-hugged him, his lips grazing Wonwoo's cheek and trailing down to his neck.

"Hey! That's enough," Wonwoo giggled, attempting to break free from Mingyu's affectionate hold. Mingyu relented, turning Wonwoo to face him with a mischievous smile.

"How about lamb chops for dinner? I'm cooking for you, Wonu," Mingyu proposed, his eyes sparkling with genuine warmth. Wonwoo's eyes lit up with excitement as he nodded in agreement.

"Wait here. I'll just put the virus in a safe place, and then we can go home," Wonwoo said, stealing a kiss from Mingyu's lips. With their intertwined hands, they walked out of the laboratory, leaving behind the sterile environment for the promise of shared moments and a home-cooked meal.

As they exited, the laboratory door closed behind them, sealing the story of love amid scientific pursuits-a tale that blended the complexities of research with the simplicity of shared affection, creating a narrative woven with warmth and the promise of a happily ever after.

Unbeknownst to them, Wonwoo forgot to close the safety box containing the virus. A curious mouse escaped its cage, seeking food. Finding the open safety box, the mouse entered and drank the virus liquid.

After a few seconds, the mouse scurried out, making its way through the ventilation system that connected to the outside world. The dangerous virus was now unleashed, setting the stage for unforeseen consequences.

In the bustling metropolis of Nexara, where the air is filled with the hum of technological advancements and the vibrancy of everyday life, a sinister storm is silently brewing. The people of Nexara remain blissfully unaware that the ominous shadows creeping at the edges of their city signify the onset of a zombie apocalypse.

How did this once-thriving city, known for its innovation and prosperity, become the unsuspecting epicentre of a nightmarish epidemic? What signs and subtle disturbances have eluded the keen eyes of Nexara's residents, as they continue their daily routines, engrossed in the glow of screens and the pulse of the urban landscape?

As the first whispers of the undead shuffle through the city's outskirts, what factors contribute to the collective ignorance of the imminent danger? Is it a flaw in the city's communication channels, a deliberate cover-up by authorities, or a perfect storm of distractions that prevents the alarming truth from reaching the ears of Nexara's citizens?

How will the people of Nexara react when the thin veil of normalcy is inevitably torn, and they find themselves thrust into a gruesome reality they never anticipated? Will their technological prowess prove to be a shield or a vulnerability in the face of this relentless onslaught? And what unforeseen alliances, conflicts, and acts of resilience will emerge as Nexara transforms from a haven of progress into a battleground for survival, catching its inhabitants off guard and unprepared for the apocalypse within their midst?


The sun gently painted the skyline of Nexara city with hues of pink and gold, casting a warm glow that danced through the curtains of Joshua Hong's apartment. As the first rays of dawn kissed the city awake, Joshua, a diligent college student, found himself stirred from his slumber by the melodic chime of his phone's alarm.

With a soft tap, he silenced the alarm, stretching his limbs as he fought off the remnants of sleep. A cute yawn escaped his lips, adding a touch of morning charm to the scene. Joshua, with a content sigh, retrieved his phone from the bedside table, its screen illuminating the room with a gentle glow that matched the early morning serenity.

"Still early to go to school," Joshua mused, his voice carrying the soothing cadence of someone just awakening. Glancing at his phone, he noted the time - 6 am - realizing he had a bit of time before the demands of academia called him.

Curiosity sparked, and Joshua decided to check his messages, finding a sweet good morning greeting from his boyfriend. A grin tugged at the corners of his lips as he replied with playful banter, their digital exchange becoming a morning ritual that brought warmth to Joshua's heart.

After a few delightful minutes of back-and-forth messages, Joshua reluctantly tore himself away from the digital connection and directed his attention toward the day that awaited him. With a determined stride, he headed to the bathroom to embark on his morning routine, the tiled space soon filled with the soothing sounds of running water and the clinking of toiletries.

As he stood before the mirror, Joshua's hazel eyes met their reflection, and he took a moment to appreciate the young man staring back at him. The morning routine unfolded with a familiar cadence - brushing teeth, splashing refreshing water on his face, and carefully selecting his outfit for the day - all while the sun outside continued its ascent, flooding the apartment with golden radiance.

With every step of his routine, Joshua felt a sense of gratitude for the peaceful morning in Nexara, a city seemingly unaware of the impending storm that lurked in the shadows. Little did he know that the routine tranquillity of his day would soon be shattered by a reality he couldn't fathom, the zombie apocalypse silently weaving its way into the very fabric of the city he called home.

As Joshua concluded his morning routine, a delightful aroma filled his apartment. The tantalizing scent of his favorite pancakes wafted through the air, signaling the start of a day of routine comfort.

In the cozy confines of his kitchen, Joshua skillfully prepared a stack of golden-brown pancakes, each one a labor of love. The sizzle of batter hitting the hot griddle harmonized with the distant hum of the waking city. Not content with just breakfast, Joshua decided to take a culinary journey and whipped up some delicious dishes for lunch. His culinary creations weren't complete without considering his hungry boyfriend.

With a bag full of carefully prepared lunch in hand, Joshua exited his apartment, eager to share the day's culinary delights. As he stepped into the corridor, he was met with the sight of Jeonghan leaning against his car, arms crossed, and a mockingly stern expression on his face.

"You're late again, Princess," his boyfriend, Yoon Jeonghan teased with playful annoyance, his eyes betraying a hint of a smile.

Joshua, undeterred, grinned mischievously. "Come on, Hannie. I'm not that late. I'm preparing your favorite dishes. Don't you want to taste my pasta?" he teased, raising the bag of lunch with a triumphant smile.

"Lucky you have my favorite dish," Jeonghan remarked, accepting the bag as Joshua stole a quick peck on his lips. Laughter echoed between them as Joshua playfully ran to the front seat of the car.

"Hong Jisoo, what have you done to me?" Jeonghan sighed, his heart melting at the sight of his boyfriend, the morning sunlight casting a warm glow on Joshua's tousled hair.

To Be Continued...

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