Chapter 14

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In the hushed confines of Wonwoo's laboratory house, a week had elapsed since the group found solace within its protective walls. The atmosphere, though tinged with uncertainty, bore the semblance of newfound hope. Jeonghan's condition, once precarious, had steadily improved. His unconscious form lay on the bed, a testament to the fragility and resilience of life in the face of a relentless apocalypse.

The makeshift infirmary within the laboratory had become a sanctuary of vigilance. Joshua, who rarely left Jeonghan's side, monitored every fluctuation in his vitals. The group, despite the relative safety they found in this place, couldn't shake off the lingering anxiety.

As the days passed, As the group gathered in the living area, eyes shifted between each member, lingering on the subtle transformation took hold of Jeonghan's appearance. His skin, once marked by the harsh realities of survival, now possessed an otherworldly quality-an immaculate porcelain canvas that seemed untouched by the horrors outside. His lips, tinged with a mesmerizing shade of red, added an unexpected allure, while a subtle hint of blond streaks adorned his otherwise dark hair.

Seungcheol, observing from the doorway, couldn't help but marvel at the change. "Is it just me, or is Jeonghan starting to look... different?" he voiced his observation to the group gathered in the common area.

Joshua, ever attentive to Jeonghan's side, couldn't help but marvel at the ethereal transformation. "I noticed these changes too. It's like he's becoming something... different," he murmured, his gaze fixed on Jeonghan's serene visage.

Hoshi, always quick to notice details, nodded. "Yeah, it's like he's becoming some kind of supernatural being. Look at his skin-it's practically flawless."

Seokmin, having taken on a role as the group's unofficial morale booster, chimed in, "Maybe he's evolving into a zombie superhero

Seungkwan, who had developed a keen interest in the mysterious occurrences, chimed in, "Or maybe he's turning into a zombie prince. Snow White who? We've got Zombie Royalty!"

A ripple of nervous laughter echoed in the room, momentarily easing the weight of their grim reality. Yet, beneath the levity, a sense of unease lingered. Wonwoo, the group's resident scientist, approached Jeonghan's bedside with a thoughtful expression.

"These changes might be more than just cosmetic," Wonwoo suggested, glancing at the flawless skin and the subtle alterations. "There could be something happening at a cellular level, an adaptation to the virus."

The group exchanged speculative glances, contemplating the potential significance of Jeonghan's transformation. However, Seungcheol, ever pragmatic, interrupted their musings with a suggestion.

"Enough of speculations for now. We've been training with firearms, honing our skills. How about we put those skills to use?" Seungcheol proposed, gesturing towards the arsenal of weapons that now adorned the room. "We need supplies, and the city might hold answers, or at least clues, about what's happening."

As the group began to discuss the logistics of exploring the city, excitement mingled with trepidation. The plan involved venturing beyond the laboratory's safety, into the unknown cityscape teeming with the remnants of a once-thriving civilization.

Hoshi, ever the optimist, added, "Maybe out there, we'll find something that can help Jeonghan hyung even more, or unravel the mysteries behind these changes."

With a newfound determination, the group delved into planning their expedition. They strategized, assigned roles, and prepared for the unpredictable challenges that awaited them beyond the laboratory's secure confines. The exploration of the city, a city that had succumbed to chaos and darkness, now stood as the next chapter in their harrowing journey.

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