Chapter 19

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In the clandestine training facility, Mingyu's shirtless form moved with calculated precision, his movements devoid of emotion as he engaged in a relentless battle with Hyejin's skilled men. Each strike carried an otherworldly force, leaving a trail of incapacitated opponents in its wake.

As Mingyu effortlessly dispatched the men, an unexpected surge of power emanated from him, causing the combatants to fall lifeless, victims of an uncontrollable force they couldn't comprehend. The room echoed with the sounds of the skirmish, punctuated by Mingyu's stoic demeanour and the lifeless bodies strewn across the floor.

Amidst the chaos, Mingyu's consciousness seemed to connect with someone else's memories. A whisper escaped his lips, the name "Jeonghan" carrying with it a resonance of familiarity and connection. It was a momentary glimpse into a past that eluded Mingyu's conscious understanding, a puzzle piece of his existence that seemed to belong to another.

Yeonhwa, hidden in the shadows, observed the unfolding events with a predatory glint in her eyes. The whispered name caught her attention, and a sinister smirk played on her lips. "Jeonghan," she repeated to herself, her mind calculating the implications of this unexpected revelation.

"Looks like we have the second Bio-weapon born," Yeonhwa declared with a sense of satisfaction, her gaze unwavering as she contemplated the unfolding narrative. In Mingyu's unintentional connection with memories and the latent power he displayed, she saw the potential for a weapon beyond her initial experiments.

Yeonhwa left her son, Mingyu, in the aftermath of the intense combat training, his emotionless gaze fixed on the lifeless bodies around him. Unbeknownst to Mingyu, Yeonhwa navigated through secured corridors to reach her private lab, determined to unveil the mysteries surrounding Jeonghan and his connection to her experiments.

As she entered the high-tech lab, she approached a state-of-the-art computer system. The hum of machinery and the soft glow of monitors created an eerie atmosphere as Yeonhwa began to access confidential files related to Jeonghan.

Yeonhwa's fingers danced across the keyboard, initiating a sequence of commands to decrypt and retrieve information. The computer screen flickered to life, displaying a trove of data, including Jeonghan's identity, origins, and a trail of memories that led back to his enigmatic past.

The room was silent, save for the tapping of Yeonhwa's fingertips against the keys. She delved into Jeonghan's history, uncovering details that suggested a life shrouded in secrecy and, perhaps, purposeful manipulation. The revelation of his past raised more questions than answers, leaving Yeonhwa with a puzzle to solve."Yoon Jeonghan," Yeonhwa muttered under her breath as she sifted through the information. "What are you hiding?"

As the layers of Jeonghan's past peeled away, Yeonhwa uncovered the threads of a narrative woven with both desperation and determination. Jeonghan's childhood, marked by frequent visits to her laboratory, was a testament to his parents' unwavering quest for a cure. The cure that she, knowingly or unknowingly, had provided.

Yeonhwa's eyes narrowed as she deciphered the intricate dance of fate that had led Jeonghan's parents to her groundbreaking research. The very cure that had spared Jeonghan from the shackles of a debilitating health condition was a creation of her scientific ingenuity.

A sinister smirk played on Yeonhwa's lips as she connected the dots. The immunity shared by Jeonghan and Mingyu was not a mere coincidence; it was a testament to her prowess in manipulating the delicate balance between life and experimentation. The revelation ignited a spark of malevolent delight in Yeonhwa's eyes.

With newfound knowledge in her possession, Yeonhwa's mind began to churn with a plan that transcended the boundaries of her previous experiments. The strands of fate, intricately woven by her actions, now provided her with the means to reshape the narrative.

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