Chapter 4

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Before venturing into the ominous depths of the secret entrance, the group decided to explore the immediate surroundings of the safety room, hoping to find any resources that might aid their journey. To their relief, they stumbled upon a small storage room adjacent to their refuge, stocked with non-perishable food items and water.

Excitement mixed with the tension as they hastily gathered supplies, knowing the importance of sustenance for the arduous journey ahead. Jun, still holding the map, directed the team's efforts. "Grab whatever you can, but be quick and efficient. We don't know how much time we have."

The room was a treasure trove of survival essentials - canned goods, energy bars, and bottled water neatly arranged on shelves. Minghao, with a backpack slung over his shoulder, began loading it with provisions. "We might not get another chance like this. Let's take enough to last us for a while."

Hoshi, eyeing the provisions, quipped nervously, "I hope they have instant noodles. I can't survive an apocalypse without them."

Seungcheol, already stuffing his bag, chuckled. "We'll make sure to find you the finest post-apocalyptic noodles, Hoshi."

As they collected food and supplies, Jeonghan, with a thoughtful expression, suggested, "We should also gather some first aid supplies. You never know when we might need them."

Jihoon nodded in agreement, rummaging through a nearby cabinet. "Bandages, antiseptic, painkillers - anything you find, take it. We need to be prepared for injuries."

While they gathered necessities, Jihoon, ever vigilant, kept an eye on the entrance. "We can't afford to let our guard down. Everyone, stay focused."

As they loaded up on provisions, Joshua approached Jeonghan, concern etched on his face. "Are we sure about going to Jun's cafe? What if it's not as safe as we hope?"

Jun overheard the question, interjecting, "It's our best chance. We know the area, and Minghao and I have secured it as much as we could. Plus, we have firearms there."

Seungcheol, finishing up with the supplies, added, "We stick together, trust each other, and we'll make it. Now, let's get ready to move out."

With bags filled and a sense of determination in the air, the group gathered at the entrance of the storage room. Jihoon secured the map, and Jun checked his watch. "We don't know what's out there, so stay close and stay quiet."

The door creaked open, revealing the darkened corridor that led to the secret entrance. As they stepped into the unknown, laden with supplies and fortified by their camaraderie, the dialogue shifted to hushed whispers of encouragement and shared glances that spoke volumes about the challenges they were about to face.

The journey through the concealed tunnel became a test of endurance and resilience, the weight of their backpacks a constant reminder of the uncertain road ahead. The echoes of their footsteps reverberated, blending with the anticipation that filled the air.

Under the flickering lights of the storage room, the group of students armed with makeshift weapons embarked on their perilous journey toward the school's secret entrance. The faint echoes of distant moans and shuffles of the undead outside served as a chilling reminder of the dangers that awaited them.

Guided by Jihoon, the group stealthily manoeuvred through the dimly lit corridors, passing classrooms that once held laughter and the promise of knowledge. The eerie silence was broken only by their hushed footsteps and the occasional creaking of aged floorboards beneath their weight.

As they approached the library, Minghao, armed with a crowbar, took the lead to ensure the path was clear. The library's entrance loomed ahead, the dark interior concealing potential threats. Joshua, nervously clutching a metal pipe, whispered, "Are we sure this is the right way?"

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