Chapter 6

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In the aftermath of a devastating zombie apocalypse, where chaos and fear gripped the world, Jun and Minghao, along with their group of survivors, found solace in an unlikely refuge - an abandoned café hidden away from the relentless hordes of the undead. This dilapidated sanctuary, with boarded-up windows and a creaking door, became the group's haven, shielded from the horrors that lurked beyond.

The next morning dawned with an eerie calm, the remnants of a once-bustling city now haunted by the groans of the undead. Within the walls of the café, Jun and Minghao took on the responsibility of preparing a semblance of normalcy for their group. The scent of freshly cooked breakfast wafted through the air as Joshua, ever the culinary maestro, joined the efforts, orchestrating a makeshift kitchen amidst the cafe's abandoned tables and chairs.

"Are you done yet?" Seungkwan's voice carried the weariness of survival as he sighed, his appetite not dulled by the constant threat of the undead. "Just hold on a second. The pancakes will be out soon," Joshua reassured, his eyes fixed on the sizzling griddle as he flipped pancakes with a practiced ease.

Jeonghan, his eyes reflecting the resilience borne of adversity, observed Joshua's culinary dance. Deciding to infuse a moment of normalcy into their perilous reality, he approached Joshua with silent movements, his intention clear as he back-hugged the unsuspecting chef.

"Yah, Yoon Jeonghan! Don't you see I am cooking right now?" Joshua scolded in mock annoyance, though a smile played on his lips. Jeonghan, however, wasn't deterred, showering kisses on Joshua's neck, his actions a reminder of the fleeting moments of tenderness amid the apocalyptic chaos.

"Your skin is really soft, Shua. I might not be able to control myself from marking you as mine," Jeonghan teased, his words carrying a sense of longing amidst the grim reality. Joshua, giggling at the unexpected affection, was momentarily distracted from the culinary task at hand.

"As much as you guys wanna make out, we're really hungry right now," Seungcheol remarked, leaning unbothered against the door frame, the weight of their survival etched on his face. "In a minute!" Joshua pushed Jeonghan away gently, determined to provide a brief respite through the simple joy of a shared meal.

Jeonghan, undeterred and with a playful giggle, stole a final kiss on Joshua's lips before gracefully gliding away from the makeshift kitchen.

As Joshua skillfully took the pancakes off the griddle, their golden-brown perfection emitted a tantalizing aroma that filled the air of the makeshift safe haven-the abandoned café that had become a refuge for the group amid the zombie apocalypse. The survivors, seated around a collection of scavenged tables, eagerly awaited the breakfast feast that symbolized a brief respite from the harsh reality outside.

As the pancakes were placed on makeshift plates, the group, consisting of Hoshi, Jihoon, Jun, Minghao, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Vernon, Seungkwan, and the youngest member Chan, began to partake in the simple joy of a shared meal. The atmosphere, though tinged with the weight of their circumstances, held a certain warmth-a reminder that amidst the chaos, they found solace in each other's company.

The group ate in silence, savoring the taste of normalcy in each bite. The rhythmic clinking of utensils against plates echoed in the quiet space, and for a moment, the outside world and its horrors seemed distant.

However, the peace was abruptly shattered by a question that hung heavy in the air. Chan, the youngest among them, broke the silence with a voice tinged with worry, "Do you think this zombie apocalypse will end soon?"

The question lingered in the air like a ghost, and the group fell silent, the weight of uncertainty settling on their shoulders. Joshua, usually the beacon of optimism, took a deep breath before responding, "It's hard to say, Chan. We've been surviving day by day, doing our best to stay together and find safe places. But predicting when or how it will end is beyond our control."

Seungcheol, the claiming as the leader of the group, chimed in with a solemn expression. "We've heard rumors of safe zones, potential cures, but it's all speculative at this point. Our focus should be on staying alive and supporting each other."

Jeonghan, who usually wore a calm demeanor, added, "What matters is that we're together. As long as we have each other, we can face whatever comes our way."

Seungkwan, always quick with words, injected a touch of humor to lighten the heavy atmosphere. "And hey, if anyone can survive a zombie apocalypse, it's us. We're practically experts now."

The group shared a collective chuckle, a momentary reprieve from the gravity of their situation. Minghao, usually quiet but observant, spoke, "We'll adapt, find a way. But let's not forget what we have right now-the warmth of this place, the taste of Joshua's pancakes, and the company of friends."

Chan, though still wearing a worried expression, nodded appreciatively. "Yeah, you're right. We've made it this far together, and we'll keep going."

As the group went about their tasks, Seungcheol noticed Chan, the youngest among them, standing by a weathered window, his gaze fixed on the chaotic scene outside - zombies lingering in the streets, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond their haven.

Seungcheol approached the younger with a silent understanding, his footsteps barely audible against the hushed backdrop of their makeshift sanctuary. "Hey, Chan. How are you holding up?"

Chan turned to face Seungcheol, his eyes reflecting a mix of apprehension and resignation. "I'm okay, hyung. It's just... the world out there, you know? It's so different from what it used to be."

Seungcheol nodded, a silent acknowledgment of the shared burden they all carried. Yet, in an unexpected turn, Seungcheol decided to veer the conversation toward lighter territory, perhaps an attempt to provide a momentary escape from the grim reality.

"Hey, um, Chan," Seungcheol stammered, an unusual uncertainty in his usually composed demeanor, "are you perhaps having a girlfriend or boyfriend? Or maybe you're straight?"

Chan, caught off guard by the sudden change in topic, couldn't help but giggle at Seungcheol's awkward attempt at broaching a more personal subject. "Well, hyung, I'm gay, and single too," he responded with a playful smirk. "My brother said I'm still too young to be in a relationship."

Seungcheol, relieved by Chan's lighthearted response, chuckled. "Your brother sounds like a caring guy. It's good to have someone looking out for you."

"Yeah, he is," Chan replied, his gaze drifting back to the window. A moment of contemplative silence settled between them before Chan's voice, now tinged with a hint of sadness, broke through. "I wonder where he is now. Is he safe from the zombies?"

Seungcheol placed a comforting hand on Chan's shoulder, a gesture of empathy. "We'll find him, Chan. We've been through a lot together, and we'll keep each other safe. Your brother wouldn't want you to worry too much."

Chan, though grateful for the reassurance, couldn't contain the tears that welled up unexpectedly. A single tear rolled down his cheek, a silent testament to the anxiety and fear that gripped even the strongest among them.

Seungcheol, recognizing the vulnerability in Chan's expression, pulled him into a gentle embrace. "It's okay to feel scared, Chan. We're all here for each other. We'll find your brother, and we'll get through this together."

As the two stood there, embraced by the solidarity of shared struggles, the chaotic world outside seemed momentarily distant. A simple conversation had forged a connection, reaffirming that even amid the chaos, moments of understanding and compassion could still bloom within the walls of their fragile sanctuary.

To Be Continued...

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