Chapter 21

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The message arrived like a chilling breeze, casting an air of uncertainty over Seventeen's sanctuary. The holographic display flickered with the ominous words, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Message from an Unknown Sender

To Seventeen,

If you want your members to be safe, you must hand Jeonghan over to Yeonhwa. She has the cure for the city's condition.

Seungcheol looked around at the faces of his fellow members, a mix of determination and concern reflecting in their eyes. Jeonghan, sitting close to Joshua, tightened his grip on his hand as if seeking reassurance.

Seungcheol spoke, "We can't let fear dictate our actions. We won't hand Jeonghan over to someone like Yeonhwa."

Wonwoo, the strategist, chimed in, "This might be a trap. Yeonhwa's motives have never been clear, and we can't risk Jeonghan's safety on uncertain terms."

Hoshi, his eyes filled with determination, added, "I won't let anything happen to Jeonghan. We'll find another way."

As the group brainstormed, debating various strategies to counter Yeonhwa's threat, a new holographic message appeared.

Message from the Same Unknown Sender

You have 24 hours. If Jeonghan is not handed over, Yeonhwa will take matters into her own hands.

The room fell into a heavy silence. The ominous deadline hung over them like a guillotine. Seungcheol took a deep breath and said, "We need to act fast. Let's consider all our options."

Vernon suggested reaching out to their allies, while Joshua proposed finding a way to expose Yeonhwa's true intentions to the public. Minghao and Jun advocated for a stealth mission to infiltrate Yeonhwa's lab.

During the discussion, Jeonghan spoke up, "I won't let you all risk your lives for me. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you."

Joshua, holding Jeonghan's face gently, replied, "We're in this together, Jeonghan. We won't leave you behind."

Seungcheol, looking at his determined team, concluded, "Let's gather our resources, plan our moves carefully, and face whatever comes our way. We won't let Yeonhwa dictate our fate."

The countdown had begun, and Seventeen prepared for a battle that would not only determine Jeonghan's fate but also test the strength of their unity. The room buzzed with a sense of urgency, each member fueled by a collective resolve to defy the looming threat and protect their own.

In the heart of the clandestine laboratory, Yeonhwa reveled in the power she held over Seventeen. The ominous countdown loomed on holographic displays, marking the seconds until the 24-hour promise would be shattered. Yet, fueled by her insidious desire to inflict premature suffering, Yeonhwa made a fateful decision to break the pact earlier than anticipated.

The unsuspecting members of Seventeen were engrossed in preparing for the impending threat. Wonwoo, the brilliant mind behind their strategies, was huddled with Seungcheol and the others, discussing tactical approaches to counteract Yeonhwa's potential onslaught.

Just as the tension reached its peak, alarms blared throughout the facility, signaling an imminent breach. The holographic countdown accelerated, catching Seventeen off guard. Yeonhwa, flanked by her menacing entourage, strode into the main chamber, a malevolent grin etched on her face.

Seungcheol barked orders, "Prepare for an early attack! We can't let her catch us off guard."

The members scrambled, fortifying their positions, weapons at the ready. Amidst the chaos, Yeonhwa had an additional surprise up her sleeve - she had brought Mingyu, the once-forgotten lover of Jeon Wonwoo, to the forefront of the confrontation.

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