Chapter 20

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In the quietude of their shared space, Jihoon's heart raced with nervous anticipation. Hoshi, his fiancé, sensed the subtle shift in Jihoon's demeanour and couldn't ignore the telltale signs of unease.

"Ji, you seem a bit off. Is something bothering you?" Hoshi inquired, genuine concern etched on his face as he settled beside Jihoon.

Jihoon hesitated for a moment, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "There's something I need to tell you, Soon."

The room seemed to hold its breath as Jihoon gathered his thoughts. "I'm three weeks pregnant," he finally confessed, the weight of the revelation lingering in the air.

Hoshi's eyes widened in surprise, a myriad of emotions crossing his face. "Pregnant? Seriously?"

Jihoon nodded, a mix of anxiety and relief tugging at his features. "Yes, Hoshi. I took the test, and it's positive. We're going to have a baby."

A stunned silence enveloped them momentarily before Hoshi's face erupted into a brilliant smile. "A baby? Wow, Jihoon, this is incredible!"

As they embraced the joy of impending parenthood, Jihoon couldn't help but think about Joshua and Jeonghan. He knew Joshua had something important to share with Jeonghan as well.

"I have a feeling Joshua is going to tell Jeonghan something too," Jihoon mused, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Hoshi, still revelling in the news, tilted his head. "Really? What makes you think that?"

"Well, it just seems like one of those times, you know? Moments when big news is in the air," Jihoon explained, a knowing glint in his eyes.

Hoshi chuckled. "Guess there's something in the air, then. Big news all around."

During their shared excitement and anticipation, Jihoon and Hoshi found solace in the idea that their unexpected news might be part of a larger tapestry of surprises unfolding among their friends. Little did they know, the bonds of shared experiences would weave them even closer together as they embarked on this extraordinary journey into parenthood.


In the quiet aftermath of Wonwoo's revelation, as the echoes of his footsteps faded away, Jeonghan and Joshua found solace in the cocoon of each other's arms. The laboratory room, once a hub of scientific inquiry, transformed into a sanctuary for their shared emotions.

Jeonghan holding Joshua close, could feel the rapid heartbeat beneath Joshua's chest-a rhythmic reminder of the life they had built together amidst the chaos. As they embraced, Jeonghan gently whispered, "We've faced so much, Shua. I never thought we'd be caught in something like this."Joshua, his head resting on Jeonghan's shoulder, sighed. "Life's unpredictable, Hannie. But facing it with you makes it an adventure, no matter how daunting."

Encouraged by the warmth of the moment, Jeonghan began to share fragments of his past, memories that lingered like fragile threads woven into the fabric of his existence. He spoke of the battles against illness, the quest for a cure, and the moments of joy that punctuated the struggles.

As they wove through the tapestry of their past, Joshua listened intently, his fingers tracing patterns on Jeonghan's back. Then, in a moment of profound vulnerability, Joshua spoke words that hung in the air, momentarily shifting the gravity of their shared reality.

"Hannie, there's something more to our story," Joshua hesitated, eyes glistening with a mix of emotions. He reached into a bag and pulled out a pregnancy kit.

Pregnant? Shua, are you serious?" Joshua nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips. Jeonghan's eyes widened with surprise and anticipation. The reality of their connection, now taking a tangible form, hung in the air. "Hannie, we're going to be parents," Joshua uttered, the weight of the words settling into the room.

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