Chapter 16

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The next day brought a mixture of tension and anticipation as the members gathered in Wonwoo's laboratory house. Jeonghan, seated on the bed, was covered from head to toe in wires and sensors, a living experiment that Wonwoo was closely monitoring. His piercing blue eyes locked onto Joshua, who sat beside him, their fingers intertwined, creating a small sanctuary within the sterile environment.

The room was silent, save for the occasional beep of monitors and the soft hum of machinery. Wonwoo, engrossed in his work, analyzed the data displayed on the computer screen. The wires and tubes that connected Jeonghan to various monitoring devices seemed almost intrusive, a stark reminder of the fragile balance between life and the unknown.

Joshua, unable to bear the sight of Jeonghan entwined in the wires, felt a knot tightening in his chest. He fought back tears, not wanting to show vulnerability in front of the others. Wonwoo, sensing the emotional undercurrent, spared a moment to address the concern etched on Joshua's face.

"Joshua, I understand this is difficult for you," Wonwoo began, his voice a blend of scientific detachment and genuine empathy. "Jeonghan's body is undergoing changes due to the unique nature of the deadly virus serum he was exposed to. It's not just an infection; it's a complex interaction between the virus and his biology."

Joshua's eyes met Wonwoo's, silently pleading for more information. Wonwoo continued, "The serum seems to be altering Jeonghan's genetic makeup, triggering a transformation of sorts. It's unpredictable, and we can't be certain how it will manifest."

Jeonghan, with a calm demeanor, tried to reassure Joshua. "Shua, don't worry too much. Wonwoo is doing everything he can to understand what's happening to me. It's a journey into the unknown, but we're facing it together."

Joshua nodded, but the unease in his eyes lingered. Wonwoo, returning to his examination, explained further, "The serum is enhancing Jeonghan's resilience and seems to be integrating with his DNA. It's a remarkable, albeit unprecedented, phenomenon."

As Wonwoo delved into the intricacies of Jeonghan's evolving condition, the group felt the weight of the situation. The laboratory house, once a bastion of scientific inquiry, had transformed into an arena where the boundaries of knowledge and the mysteries of the viral serum collided.

Jeonghan, still tethered to the monitoring devices, broke the contemplative silence in the room. His voice, a soft whisper, carried an unsettling revelation. "I had a dream... someone in a water tank, wires covering their entire body. It felt real, like a memory."

Wonwoo's eyes widened, a mix of shock and concern etched on his face. "Describe it, Jeonghan. Every detail is crucial," he urged, the implications of Jeonghan's dream resonating with a sense of urgency.

As Jeonghan painted a vivid picture of his dream, Wonwoo's mind raced, connecting the dots between the dream and Mingyu's condition. Jihoon, perceptive as ever, interjected, "This could be more than just a dream. Mingyu's body might be similar to what Jeonghan is experiencing. A bio-weapon, an unintended consequence of the experiments."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the weight of Jihoon's words settled in. The once theoretical discussions about the deadly virus serum now took on a chilling reality. The members exchanged glances, their expressions shifting between disbelief and apprehension.

Seungcheol, struggling to process the revelation, spoke up. "So, you're saying Jeonghan and Mingyu might be... weapons? How is that even possible?"

Wonwoo, still grappling with the implications, explained, "The serum has properties we didn't fully understand. It seems to have altered their genetic makeup, enhancing their abilities. The dream Jeonghan had might be a glimpse into the experimentation process."

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