Chapter 22

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The atmosphere in the café, owned by Jun and Minghao, was a stark contrast to the turmoil that had unfolded in Wonwoo's laboratory house. The members of Seventeen sought refuge in the comforting ambience, grateful for a brief respite from the relentless challenges posed by Yeonhwa.

As they settled into the cosy interior, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the gentle hum of conversations enveloped them. The café's patrons, oblivious to the recent chaos that had befallen Seventeen, enjoyed their beverages and the tranquil atmosphere.

The group sat together at a large table, their expressions varying from exhaustion to concern. Joshua, however, seemed particularly sombre, his gaze drifting into the distance. He absentmindedly rubbed his stomach, where the miracle of life was quietly growing. His eyes carried the weight of memories, the absence of Jeonghan looming over him.

Seungcheol sensing Joshua's emotional state, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll find them, Joshua. Jeonghan and Mingyu. We won't rest until they're back with us."

Joshua managed a faint smile, grateful for the support. "I know, Seungcheol. It's just... it's hard not knowing where they are and what they're going through."

Jun, ever perceptive, approached the table with a tray of drinks. "Here, guys. On the house. You could use a moment to unwind." He distributed the cups, each filled with a carefully crafted beverage.

As the members sipped their drinks, the conversation shifted to plans and strategies. Minghao, with his keen sense of observation, noticed Joshua's introspective demeanour. "Hey, Josh, if you need to talk or anything, we're here for you."

Joshua appreciated the gesture, his eyes expressing gratitude. "Thanks, guys. It's just... Jeonghan and I had dreams about starting a family together. Now, with the baby on the way, it's hard not having him here."

Seungkwan chimed in, "We'll do everything we can to bring them back, Joshua. And when they return, we'll celebrate together. A reunion for the books!"

Seventeen gathered to devise a plan to rescue Jeonghan and Mingyu from the clutches of Yeonhwa. The gravity of the situation hung heavily in the air as they exchanged glances, each member determined to bring their friends back.

Seungcheol, taking on the role of the leader, addressed the group. "Alright, we need a solid plan. Yeonhwa has Jeonghan and Mingyu, and we can't let her succeed in whatever twisted scheme she's concocting."

Hoshi, his mind buzzing with energy, eagerly suggested, "We should gather intel first. Find out where Yeonhwa might be hiding. Jun and Minghao, can you use your connections to get information?"

Jun nodded, "I'll reach out to my contacts. We might be able to find a lead on Yeonhwa's whereabouts."

Minghao added, "And I can deploy my network to monitor any suspicious activities. We need eyes and ears everywhere."

As the room filled with the tapping of keys and hushed conversations, Vernon raised his hand, "What about Mingyu's condition? He's a wildcard. We can't predict what he might do."

Seungkwan chimed in, "Maybe we should approach this strategically. Divide and conquer. If we can separate Mingyu from Yeonhwa, we might have a chance to reason with him."

DK, always the optimist, added, "And let's not forget the element of surprise. If we catch them off guard, it could give us an advantage."

Woozi, sitting quietly in contemplation, finally spoke, "We also need to be prepared for the unexpected. Yeonhwa has proven she's willing to go to extreme lengths. We can't underestimate her."

Joshua sat pensively, his thoughts drifting to Jeonghan. Seungcheol noticed his distant gaze and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll bring them back, Joshua. I promise."

Joshua nodded, appreciating the support. "I just want them both safe. Mingyu and Jeonghan."

The planning continued into the night, the room filled with a mix of determination and concern. Seventeen knew that the road ahead was fraught with challenges, but their unyielding bond fueled their resolve. They would face whatever obstacles lay in their path, united in their quest to rescue Jeonghan and Mingyu from the clutches of Yeonhwa's sinister plot.


Meanwhile, in the cold, sterile room of Yeonhwa's lab, Jeonghan hung shirtless, his wrists chained to the wall. A labyrinth of wires connected him to various machines, monitoring every aspect of his body. As consciousness slowly seeped back into him, his piercing blue eyes locked onto Yeonhwa, who approached with an air of malevolence.

"I know you want to remember your boyfriend and unborn child. But this is your fate, Yoon Jeonghan. Now join me and Mingyu to rule the world," Yeonhwa declared, her tone cold and calculating.

Jeonghan weakened but defiant, weakly shook his head, refusing to succumb to her manipulations. Yet, before he could voice his defiance, Yeonhwa swiftly injected a substance into his neck, causing him to fall back into unconsciousness. The smirk on Yeonhwa's face grew as she revelled in her perceived triumph.

In the unconscious state, Jeonghan's body became a canvas for Yeonhwa's experiments. Wires, tubes, and sensors intertwined with his form, as the mad scientist meticulously worked on her malevolent designs. The hum of machines and the occasional beep of monitors echoed in the eerie silence of the lab, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

As Yeonhwa continued her cruel experiments, Jeonghan's unconscious form became a battleground between his will and the nefarious plans of his captor. The fate of not only Jeonghan but the entire world hung in the balance, and Seventeen prepared to confront the impending darkness that threatened to engulf them all.


Mingyu sat alone, his expression emotionless, seemingly disconnected from the world. However, within the depths of his consciousness, a sudden and unexpected phenomenon occurred. A flashback, like a vivid dream, transported him to a time when Mingyu and Wonwoo were a couple deeply in love.

As the memories flooded back, Mingyu's eyes widened with realization. Scenes of shared laughter, intimate moments, and the warmth of Wonwoo's embrace played out in intricate detail. The sudden rush of emotions overwhelmed Mingyu, and a sharp pain throbbed in his head as if his mind grappled with conflicting realities.

He remembered stolen glances, whispered promises, and the unspoken language that only two people deeply in love could understand. Wonwoo's smile, the touch of his hand - each memory etched into Mingyu's mind created a profound contrast to the emotionless state he found himself in.

As Mingyu grappled with the duality of his existence - the emotionless, bio-weapon persona and the memories of love and connection with Wonwoo - he clutched his head, feeling the intensity of the internal struggle. The room seemed to blur as Mingyu grunted, trying to reconcile these conflicting fragments of his identity.

In this internal turmoil, Mingyu's room became a battleground of emotions. The present, dominated by the emotionless state imposed upon him, clashed with the vivid recollections of a past life filled with love and warmth. The pain in his head intensified, mirroring the chaos within his consciousness.

To be continued...

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