Chapter 29

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The rebuilt laboratory house of Wonwoo and Mingyu stood as a symbol of triumph in Nexara City. The atmosphere inside was charged with the energy of celebration as Seventeen members, surrounded by the innovative creations of their own making, reveled in the success of saving their beloved city from the grips of a devastating epidemic.

The main area of the laboratory was adorned with streamers, lights, and an array of delicious treats. Laughter and joyous chatter echoed through the room as the members shared stories of their journey, their faces reflecting pride and camaraderie. However, amidst the jubilation, a subtle undercurrent of melancholy lingered around Joshua.

Carrying the weight of unresolved emotions, Joshua carefully excused himself from the lively gathering and made his way to the room he shared with Jeonghan. The atmosphere within the room was serene, with soft lighting and personal touches that reflected the couple's journey.

In the dim light, Joshua approached Jeonghan, who lay unconscious on the bed. The room felt still, the air heavy with a mix of emotions. Joshua took a deep breath, pulling a chair close to the bed, and gently placed Jeonghan's hand on his miracle baby bump. His eyes glistened with unshed tears as he spoke to the person who meant the world to him.

"Hannie, did you feel it?" Joshua whispered, his voice carrying a tender vulnerability. "Our little miracle missed you." He held onto Jeonghan's hand, feeling the warmth and comfort it provided.

"I've been taking care of our little miracle well. Oh, and I already brought baby clothes too," Joshua confessed, a mixture of love and sorrow reflected in his voice. He carefully arranged tiny garments beside Jeonghan, his eyes fixated on the person who was, for a moment, absent from the joyous celebration outside.

As Joshua spoke, he couldn't hold back his tears any longer. They cascaded down his cheeks, landing softly on Jeonghan's hand. The room seemed to embrace the weight of both joy and sorrow, encapsulating the complexities of the human experience.

The members, unaware of Joshua's quiet moment, continued their celebrations in the laboratory. Mingyu, always attuned to the dynamics within the group, noticed Joshua's absence. Sensing that something was amiss, he approached Seungcheol, who was engrossed in conversation with Minghao and Seokmin.

"Have you seen Joshua? I noticed he left the celebration," Mingyu inquired, concern furrowing his brow.

Seungcheol, glancing around the room, shook his head. "I haven't. Let me check on him," he replied, his leadership instincts kicking in. The bond among Seventeen members ran deep, and Seungcheol felt a responsibility to ensure the well-being of each member.

Entering the room, Seungcheol found Joshua beside Jeonghan's bed, tears streaming down his face. He approached quietly, giving Joshua a moment before speaking. "Joshua," Seungcheol said softly, his voice a gentle presence in the room.

Joshua looked up, a mixture of surprise and gratitude in his eyes. Seungcheol pulled up a chair, sitting beside Joshua. "We're here for you, Joshua. Whatever you need," Seungcheol reassured, placing a supportive hand on Joshua's shoulder.

As Joshua composed himself, he nodded appreciatively. "I just miss him, you know? And I want our little one to feel connected to him too," Joshua confessed, his vulnerability mirroring the intimate bond among the Seventeen members.

Seungcheol nodded understandingly. "We all miss him. And your little one will always have the love and support of this big family. Let's get through this together," he encouraged, emphasizing the strength that came from unity.

Joshua holding Jeonghan's hand against his baby bump, engaged in a tender conversation with his unconscious partner.

As Joshua spoke, recounting their journey and expressing his longing for Jeonghan to be present in this moment, a subtle shift occurred. The room, once quiet and serene, suddenly felt charged with an unspoken energy. Joshua's eyes widened with astonishment as he felt Jeonghan's fingers respond to his touch, a delicate movement that transcended the boundaries of the physical world.

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