Chapters 8

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In the dimly lit laboratory, Yeonhwa, the deranged scientist, continued her twisted experiments on her unconscious son. Wires and monitors surrounded him, creating an eerie scene that reflected the depths of her madness. As she meticulously recorded her son's condition on a board, her secret spy, Hyejin, entered the room, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"You know, I am so proud that my son was a successful scientist, and I am so proud of him. But he changed when he was in a relationship with that weak little boy," Yeonhwa muttered, her tone cold and detached. She continued writing on the board, detailing her son's physical state with clinical precision.

Yeonhwa walked over to the refrigerator, a repository of deadly virus serums and potential cures. Extracting a vial containing the ominous serum, she prepared to administer it to her son. Hyejin, observing the unsettling scene, couldn't help but voice his unease.

"Aren't your son already infected? If you inject the deadly virus, he could turn into one of them!" Hyejin exclaimed, genuine concern etched across his face.

Yeonhwa, however, dismissed his worry with a scoff, "He is immune to those zombies out there. With this deadly virus, he could be more powerful than the zombies."

Hyejin's eyes widened in disbelief as Yeonhwa proceeded to inject the ominous serum into her son's body. The room echoed with the incessant beeping of monitors, each sound amplifying the gravity of the situation. Yeonhwa, unaffected by the potential consequences of her actions, smirked with malevolence.

"You're turning your son into a bio weapon?" Hyejin questioned, incredulous at the magnitude of Yeonhwa's insanity.

With a sinister laugh, Yeonhwa confirmed, "You mean destroying his boyfriend? Yes, that's correct."

The implications of Yeonhwa's actions sank in, and Hyejin struggled to comprehend the depths of her cruelty. As the deadly serum coursed through her son's veins, Yeonhwa's laughter grew more maniacal, reverberating through the laboratory like a symphony of madness.

In that chilling moment, Yeonhwa reveled in her distorted sense of power, seeing her son as a pawn in a wicked game. The monitors continued their ominous beeping, signaling the transformation taking place within the unconscious scientist. The laboratory, tainted by the insanity that unfolded within its walls, became a macabre stage for Yeonhwa's descent into darkness.


The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows on the abandoned streets surrounding Minghao's makeshift cafe. Minghao, the vigilant member of the group, had spent the afternoon exploring the vicinity for potential resources. To his surprise, he stumbled upon an inconspicuous building that seemed untouched by the chaos that engulfed the town-a laboratory house.

Excitement and caution warred within Minghao as he rushed back to the cafe to share his discovery with the group. The door swung open, and the aroma of the freshly prepared food wafted through the air. The group, gathered around, looked up as Minghao entered, his expression a mix of urgency and anticipation.

"Guys, I found something. There's a laboratory house nearby," Minghao announced, catching the attention of Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Seungkwan, Hoshi, Woozi, and Chan.

"A laboratory?" Seungcheol raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "What kind of lab are we talking about here?"

Minghao took a deep breath before responding, "It seems like a scientific facility. I saw various equipment through the windows. It could have supplies, maybe even a clue about what happened to this town."

Jeonghan, always analytical, chimed in, "It could also be a potential danger. We don't know who's been using that lab or what experiments were conducted."

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