Chapter 25

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The moonlight spilled through the curtains, casting an ethereal glow across the room as Joshua tossed and turned in his sleep. The serenity of the night belied the turmoil within his mind, where vivid dreams turned into haunting nightmares.

In the dream, Joshua found himself in a desolate landscape, a place devoid of color and warmth. He wandered through an eerie silence until he stumbled upon a figure standing in the distance. As he approached, the features came into focus, revealing Jeonghan's familiar silhouette.

"Jeonghan," Joshua called out, his voice echoing in the emptiness. Jeonghan turned, but his eyes were vacant, devoid of recognition or emotion.

A chill ran down Joshua's spine as he reached out, gently grasping Jeonghan's hand. It felt colder than usual, and Joshua's heart sank as he realized something was terribly wrong. "Jeonghan, it's me, Joshua. Don't you recognize me?"

Jeonghan's gaze remained distant, as if he were looking through Joshua rather than at him. The silence lingered, heavy and unsettling.

Fear tightened its grip on Joshua's chest as he desperately recounted memories, hoping to rekindle the spark of recognition in Jeonghan's eyes. "Remember the first time we met? The late-night conversations, the laughter, and all the dreams we shared? And our little miracle, Jeonghan, our baby. You can't forget them, please."

Jeonghan's expression remained unchanged, his face an enigmatic mask. The weight of the situation pressed down on Joshua, the desperation to bridge the gap between them palpable.

"I love you, Jeonghan. We've been through so much together. Don't let go of those memories," Joshua pleaded, his voice breaking with raw emotion.

Yet, Jeonghan stood motionless, unaffected by Joshua's words. The dreamworld seemed to mock Joshua's attempts to revive the memories they had built together.

As the nightmare persisted, Joshua felt a profound sense of loss and helplessness. The once vibrant connection they shared appeared to be slipping away, replaced by an emotional void.

Suddenly, Joshua was jolted awake, his body covered in a cold sweat. The room, bathed in the gentle moonlight, felt both familiar and foreign. Panting, Joshua clutched the sheets, his heart racing as he grappled with the residual echoes of the dream.

In the quiet darkness, he found solace in the fact that it was just a dream—a manifestation of his fears and anxieties. Yet, the lingering unease remained, a testament to the profound impact Jeonghan held on Joshua's heart.

As Joshua steadied his breathing, he cast a glance at the sleeping members nearby, finding comfort in their shared presence. The weight of the nightmare hung in the air, a stark reminder of the challenges they faced.

In the stillness of the night, Joshua whispered a silent prayer, hoping that the waking world would prove more resilient than the ephemeral echoes of his troubled dreams.


In the underground laboratory, a large water tank stood as the centerpiece of a room filled with an array of scientific equipment. The air was thick with an eerie silence, punctuated only by the hum of machinery and the occasional tap of computer keys. Within the tank, Jeonghan lay suspended in a state of surreal vulnerability.

The water tank, almost like a futuristic cocoon, was filled with a translucent liquid that obscured Jeonghan's form. Wires extended from the machinery outside the tank, connecting to sensors attached strategically across his body. The room was kept at a constant temperature, creating an environment conducive to the mysterious experiment being conducted.

Surrounded by monitors displaying complex data, Yeonhwa, a scientist with a twisted ambition, observed Jeonghan's vital signs and monitored the intricate web of wires connected to his body. As Yeonhwa analyzed the data streaming across her screens, a triumphant gleam lit up her eyes. The readings displayed an intricate dance of genetic modifications, bio-enhancements, and the fusion of deadly viruses. Jeonghan's body, a canvas for her scientific prowess, responded with a resonance that surpassed Mingyu's earlier experiment.

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