Chapter 24

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Amidst the remnants of what used to be a bustling city, the members of Seventeen sought solace in the sanctuary of the cafe that Jun and Minghao owned. The air inside was thick with a mixture of tension and nostalgia, a reflection of the challenging times they faced. However, within those walls, Vernon and Seungkwan ignited a spark of hope with their proposal for the "Memory Box" activity.

Seated around a worn-out table, the members exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Seungkwan, with his signature enthusiasm, took charge.

"Alright, guys, listen up!" he announced, drawing the attention of his fellow members. "We've been through a lot, and I think it's time we create something that reminds us of the good times - a Seventeen Memory Box!"

Vernon, seated beside Seungkwan, chimed in with an encouraging smile. "Yeah, a box filled with memories that'll bring us together, even in the darkest moments. We each contribute something special to it."

The idea resonated with the group, and murmurs of agreement filled the air. Seungkwan continued, "Whether it's a photo, a note, or a small item, let's bring something that represents a cherished memory. This way, when things get tough, we can open the box and be reminded of the bonds that connect us."

The members exchanged glances, and a sense of unity began to emerge. Wonwoo, usually reserved, spoke up, "It sounds like a good way to focus on the positive. Count me in."

Seungcheol, the group's leader, nodded in agreement. "We need something to lift our spirits, and this Memory Box idea seems like a step in the right direction."

One by one, the members shared their thoughts, each expressing a willingness to contribute to this collective endeavour. The atmosphere lightened as memories of better days floated through their minds.

"Let's start by sharing one memory each," Seungkwan suggested, holding up a small, empty box. "We can add more later, but for now, let's fill this with the first rays of sunshine."

As the members took turns sharing anecdotes and placing items in the box, the cafe transformed into a haven of shared laughter and reminiscence. Soon, the box held fragments of their past - a faded photograph, a crumpled note, a small trinket - each carrying the weight of cherished memories.

Vernon with his guitar in hand, strummed a gentle melody, and Seungkwan encouraged everyone to sing along. The cafe echoed with their voices, creating a harmony that transcended the trials they faced.

The activities continued as the members of Seventeen were looking for a way to lift their spirits and distract themselves from the challenges they faced in the post-apocalyptic world. In the dimly lit space, Dino and Hoshi, known for their exceptional dance skills, decided to initiate a dance battle as an engaging activity.

The familiar beat of a music player set the stage for the impromptu dance competition. Dino, with his youthful energy, and Hoshi, with his charismatic flair, faced each other at the centre of the room. The other members found spots around the makeshift dance floor, their eyes fixed on the two performers.

Seungkwan always the lively commentator, took the role of the host. " Gentlemen, welcome to the first-ever Seventeen Dance Battle! Tonight, we have our very own Dino and Hoshi ready to dazzle us with their moves. Are you ready, guys?"

Dino grinned, a competitive glint in his eyes. "You bet, Seungkwan! Let's do this!"

Hoshi equally pumped, responded, "Get ready to be amazed, Dino!"

The first beats of an energetic song filled the air, and Dino and Hoshi launched into their routines. Their bodies moved with precision, each step a testament to their years of dedication to the art of dance. The members watched in awe as the cafe transformed into a dance arena, the rhythmic sounds echoing against the walls.

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