Chapter 9

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The trio-Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua-returned to the cafe in the middle of the night, carrying both supplies and the weight of the unknown. The group, who had waited anxiously for their return, gathered around, concern etched across their faces.

Seungkwan, always animated, couldn't hold back his worries. "You guys took forever! We thought you might've been chased by zombies or something."

Jeonghan, attempting to lighten the mood, chuckled weakly. "No zombies, just a lot of dark alleys and dusty shelves."

As they began recounting their journey, the group listened intently, relieved to see their friends safe. However, their relief was short-lived. Suddenly, Jeonghan's face contorted with pain, and he collapsed to the floor.

"Hannie, are you okay?" Joshua rushed to his boyfriend's side, his worry palpable.

The group, now alarmed, surrounded Jeonghan. Jihoon, with his medical knowledge, tried to examine him, but shock washed over his face as he discovered a bite mark on Jeonghan's left hand.

"Jeonghan hyung, are you..." Jihoon's voice faltered, unable to complete the devastating sentence.

The group, wide-eyed and silent, processed the grim reality. Joshua, overwhelmed with emotion, began to cry. "Hannie, no, please!"

Jeonghan, weakened by the sudden revelation, managed a weak smile as he hugged Joshua with his remaining strength. The group, grappling with the sudden turn of events, exchanged worried glances.

Seungcheol, desperate for a solution, suggested, "How about we go back to the laboratory house? Maybe they have something to help. We can't just sit here."

Chan, tears streaming down his face, voiced his concern. "But what if the laboratory is a dangerous place? We can't risk it."

Seungkwan, holding onto Seungcheol for support, added, "We need to think this through. We can't lose another member of our group."

Jihoon, calm amidst the chaos, spoke up, "I think that place was safe, and we should try to go there. Maybe survivors are living there, or they might have resources that can help us."

The group, in collective agreement, nodded. Seungcheol, rallying the troops, said, "Alright, everyone, let's get ready and be careful! This night will be super dangerous for us."

With a heavy heart, the group began packing essential supplies, their actions driven by the urgency of the situation. As they readied themselves for another perilous journey, the atmosphere in the cafe shifted from relief to determination.

The night draped the desolate town in a thick shroud of darkness as Seungcheol hoisted Jeonghan's weakening body onto his shoulder. The group, with their flashlights cutting through the obsidian night, moved cautiously toward the laboratory house. Each step echoed with a mixture of determination and trepidation.

Seungkwan, gripping a baseball bat tightly, kept glancing over his shoulder, half expecting a horde of zombies to emerge from the shadows. "This is so surreal. We're walking toward a creepy laboratory in the middle of the night."

Joshua, walking beside Seungkwan with his gaze fixed on Jeonghan, nodded solemnly. "We don't have much of a choice. We need to find help for Hannie."

Jihoon, carrying a medical kit, focused on Jeonghan's condition. "Keep an eye on his breathing. If it worsens, we might have to act quickly."

In the dimly lit laboratory, Jihoon's eyes scanned the room until they landed on a familiar piece of medical equipment - a heartbeat monitor. Determination etched across his face, he approached the machine, carefully examining its condition. With a sense of relief, he confirmed that it appeared to be functional.

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