Chapter 15

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The soft glow of midday cast a gentle warmth across the laboratory house, where silence embraced the aftermath of a morning exploration. Joshua, still immersed in the serenity of sleep, felt the familiar touch of consciousness gently nudging him awake. As his eyelids fluttered open, he found himself on Jeonghan's bed, a realization that triggered a sudden jolt to stand.

Before Joshua could fully comprehend his surroundings, the door burst open, revealing Minghao with a tray of carefully prepared food. The intrusion brought a mixture of surprise and confusion to Joshua's expression.

"You must be exhausted from yesterday's exploration," Minghao remarked, placing the tray on a nearby table.

Joshua disoriented from both his abrupt awakening and the unexpected presence of Minghao, ran a hand through his tousled hair. "Jeonghan. Where... is he?" he questioned with an urgency that mirrored the worry etched on his face.

Minghao hesitated, and the unspoken words hung in the air. "He...," he finally replied, his voice carrying a weight that resonated with the unspoken challenges of their post-apocalyptic reality.

Without waiting for further explanation, Joshua darted out of the room, his footsteps echoing through the corridors of Wonwoo's laboratory house. His search for Jeonghan became an exploration of every corner, a quest fueled by a yearning to find reassurance that his boyfriend was safe.

The laboratory house, usually a sanctuary of calm, now echoed with the urgency of Joshua's footsteps. Minghao followed him at a measured pace, understanding the depth of concern etched on Joshua's face.

In a frantic search through every room, Joshua's footsteps echoed through the halls of Wonwoo's laboratory house. Panic surged through him as he called out Jeonghan's name, the desperation evident in his voice. The tension reached its peak when he burst into the kitchen and was met with the sight of an unfamiliar figure, clad in a pristine white outfit, complete with full blonde hair.

As the mysterious person turned around, Joshua's breath caught in his throat. Those piercing blue eyes softened upon meeting Joshua's gaze. "Shua," the calm voice resonated, sending a jolt of recognition through Joshua's veins. Without a moment's hesitation, he sprinted towards the figure, the hope of finding Jeonghan driving him forward.

However, in the urgency of the moment, Joshua's haste led to an unfortunate stumble. He fell to the floor, the impact scratching his knees and drawing blood. The stranger, quick to react, rushed to Joshua's side, his movements graceful and purposeful. With a gentle yet strong embrace, he lifted Joshua, carrying him like a bride, and carefully settled him on a nearby chair.

The unfamiliar person swiftly retrieved a medical kit, his tone shifting from calm to scolding. "Hong Jisoo! How many times have I told you, don't run! Look at you! You're hurting your knee! Aish! You are a clumsy baby!" The scolding, though laced with concern, felt oddly familiar to Joshua.

"Shua? Why are you crying? Am I too excessive? I'm sorry!" The person's worry was genuine, and he pulled Joshua into a comforting embrace. Overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions, Joshua couldn't contain his sobs. "Hannie," he whispered through the tears, finding solace in the arms of his beloved. Exhaustion and the weight of recent events took their toll on Joshua, and he succumbed to unconsciousness in Jeonghan's comforting embrace.


In the hushed ambience of the room, Joshua stirred from his slumber, gradually awakening to the awareness of his surroundings. He felt a comforting warmth enveloping him, a sensation akin to lying on someone's chest. The gentle rise and fall beneath him suggested the rhythmic beating of a heart, and as the fog of sleep began to lift, he overheard Seungcheol's voice.

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