Chapter 27

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The air crackled with tension as Seventeen faced the unthinkable - a battle against their own friend, Jeonghan. The once-harmonious bonds that united the group now strained against the harsh reality of a manipulated comrade. Jeonghan, emotionless and devoid of memories, stood as an enigma in the dimly lit experimentation room.

Joshua, his hands trembling with a mix of sorrow and anger, stared at Jeonghan, the love he once knew replaced by an unsettling void. "Jeonghan, please snap out of this. We can't fight you," he pleaded, desperation lacing his voice.

Jeonghan, however, remained stoic, his eyes betraying no hint of recognition. "There's no turning back. I must follow my new purpose," he replied, his voice lacking the warmth that once resonated with camaraderie.

The other Seventeen members, torn between disbelief and determination, prepared for the battle ahead. Minghao usually the epitome of calm, clenched his fists. "We have to do this for Jeonghan's sake. Maybe by defeating whatever controls him, we can bring him back," he said, trying to rally the group.

As the first strike was thrown, the room erupted into chaos. The clashing of emotions reverberated in the blows exchanged between friends turned adversaries. Hoshi, known for his energetic spirit, dodged Jeonghan's attack and attempted to reason with him. "Jeonghan, we're family! Don't let them control you!" he shouted.

But Jeonghan remained unyielding, his movements precise and calculated. Wonwoo, with a heavy heart, stepped forward, his eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and determination. "We can't let this continue. We have to free him," he declared, launching an attack alongside his fellow members.

The room became a battleground, each member fighting with a heavy heart. Jun who had always been a voice of reason, found himself locked in a fierce exchange with Jeonghan. "I don't want to hurt you, but we can't let this go on," he stated, his eyes pleading for understanding.

The battle intensified, and as punches and kicks flew, Vernon gritted his teeth. "This isn't Jeonghan. We have to remember that," he muttered to himself, his resolve firm as he joined the fight.

Amidst the chaos, Seungcheol observed with a heavy heart. "This is tearing us apart, but we can't let Jeonghan stay like this. We owe it to him," he whispered, rallying the members to continue the struggle.

As the battle raged on, exhaustion set in. The members, grappling with the emotional toll of fighting their friend, began to falter. But Joshua, his determination unyielding, refused to give in. "We have to keep going. We can't lose Jeonghan like this," he urged, rallying the weary group.

In a moment of clarity, Seungkwan, known for his vocal prowess, stepped forward, his voice echoing through the room. "Jeonghan, remember the laughter, the joy, the love. Don't let darkness erase who you are!" he implored, hoping to reach the core of his friend.

The room fell silent for a moment, and Jeonghan seemed to hesitate. It was a brief flicker, a glimpse of the person they knew buried beneath the manipulated exterior. But just as hope ignited, the darkness within Jeonghan prevailed, and he resumed the attack.

The battle reached its climax, and amidst the chaos, Joshua, fueled by a mix of grief and determination, lunged at Jeonghan. "I won't lose you like this," he cried out, delivering a powerful blow that sent Jeonghan crashing to the ground.

As Jeonghan lay there, momentarily defeated, the room fell silent. The Seventeen members, panting and battered, gathered around their fallen friend. Joshua, tears streaming down his face, cradled Jeonghan's motionless form. "We did this for you, Jeonghan. We hope you'll forgive us," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

The room, once filled with the echoes of battle, now resonated with the somber aftermath. Seventeen, victorious but wounded, faced the daunting task of helping their friend rediscover the light within the darkness that had consumed him.


The city of Nexara lay in the grip of a menacing epidemic, threatening to devour everything in its path. Seventeen, led by the determined Seungcheol, faced the daunting task of finding Yeonhwa, the scientist whose experiments had inadvertently plunged the city into chaos. The only hope for salvation rested in obtaining the cure hidden within Yeonhwa's secretive laboratory.

The group navigated through the abandoned streets, the weight of the city's fate pressing on their shoulders. Mingyu, with his sharp instincts, led the way as they approached the concealed entrance to Yeonhwa's clandestine facility. The atmosphere within the laboratory was tense, the air thick with the scent of uncertainty.

Seungcheol, fueled by a sense of responsibility, urged the members forward. "We need to find Yeonhwa and the cure. It's the only chance we have to save Nexara," he declared, his voice resolute. The group moved stealthily, shadows dancing on the walls as they advanced through the labyrinthine corridors.

Finally, they stumbled upon a room where Yeonhwa stood, surrounded by vials of the elusive cure. Seungcheol approached cautiously, his eyes fixed on the scientist whose actions had unleashed a catastrophe upon the city. "We need this, Yeonhwa. The city is on the verge of collapse," he implored, a mixture of urgency and determination in his voice.

Yeonhwa, her gaze unfazed, reluctantly handed over the vials. "Take it. But know that this won't erase what I've done," she murmured, a hint of remorse flickering in her eyes.

Seventeen wasted no time securing the cure, their mission one step closer to completion. However, as they prepared to leave, the distant hum of helicopter blades caught their attention. Following the sound, they discovered a hidden helipad where a helicopter awaited them.

To their astonishment, Yeonhwa was already inside the helicopter, a manic glint in her eyes. "We can't save Nexara by just distributing the cure. We need to disperse it from the air, covering every inch," she explained, her plan unfolding.

Seungcheol, though wary, saw a glimpse of redemption in Yeonhwa's eyes. The members boarded the helicopter, ready to embark on a daring mission to save their city.

As the helicopter's interior filled with anticipation, Hyejin, known for her unwavering principles, hesitated. "Yeonhwa, I won't do this anymore. Let's surrender and restore peace to Nexara," she implored, her voice echoing with a plea for a return to normalcy.

"No! I won't surrender! Nexara is mine!" Yeonhwa exclaimed, her laughter resonating with madness. The atmosphere in the helicopter grew tense as Hyejin, fueled by a sense of duty, took a step forward.

"Then you leave me no choice," Hyejin declared, her tone resolute. With a swift and determined motion, she struck Yeonhwa until unconsciousness claimed her. Hyejin then took hold of the cure, handing it over to Seventeen.

"Make sure to save the people of Nexara city," Hyejin urged, her voice firm. The Seventeen members nodded, their determination mirrored in their eyes. The helicopter lifted off, carrying both the cure and the hopes of Nexara's salvation as the city awaited the dawn of a new beginning.

To be continued...

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