Chapter 2

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In the heart of Nexara city, a seemingly ordinary morning unfolded. The streets bustled with the daily rhythm of life as people went about their business. Some strolled leisurely on their way to work, while others, with a sense of responsibility, guided their children to school, laughter echoing through the air.

Amid this tapestry of normalcy, a quaint restaurant nestled within the city was preparing to welcome its patrons. The aroma of delectable dishes wafted through the air as chefs orchestrated a symphony of flavors in the kitchen. Unbeknownst to the bustling activity, a lurking danger silently infiltrated the culinary haven.

In the depths of the kitchen, an unnoticed menace revealed itself. A small mouse, infected and driven by an insatiable hunger, scampered through the food intended for unsuspecting customers. Its tiny claws pattered across counters, leaving a trail of contamination in its wake.

As the chefs toiled over sizzling pans and bubbling pots, the infected mouse seized an opportunity. It darted towards the meticulously crafted dishes, nibbling on the culinary delights intended for the restaurant's patrons. The chefs, engrossed in their craft, were oblivious to the intrusion.

With each turn of a chef, the mouse skittered away, leaving the trace of its presence to be discovered by the unsuspecting customers. Oblivious to the unfolding danger, the chefs continued their culinary dance, orchestrating a feast that harbored an unforeseen threat.

Unbeknownst to the chefs, the infected mouse carried away a variety of trays adorned with delicious delicacies. The unsuspecting customers eagerly awaited their orders, unaware that what they were about to savor had been tainted by the tiny intruder.

Outside the restaurant, the people of Nexara continued their daily routines, oblivious to the creeping menace that lurked within the walls of the establishment. The sun cast its warm glow over the city, seemingly unaware of the impending storm that silently brewed in the kitchens, where the infected mouse continued its clandestine feast.


Under the tranquil embrace of a leafy tree, Jeonghan and Joshua found themselves in a picturesque setting surrounded by vibrant flowers, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. They shared a lunch that transcended the ordinary, turning the schoolyard into a canvas for their own imagined picnic.

Jeonghan's eyes sparkled with sweetness as he lovingly fed Joshua a forkful of pasta, each bite filled with flavors crafted by Joshua's culinary expertise. Joshua, with an endearing blend of shyness and delight, accepted the offered fork, his lips parting to take in the pasta. The moment was nothing short of enchanting, with the beauty of the surroundings mirroring the tenderness of their connection.

A playful smile adorned Jeonghan's face as he witnessed Joshua's cute bite, the sight enough to melt even the coldest of hearts. Taking his own turn, Jeonghan indulged in a bite of the pasta. "Omg, Joshua. This is really good. I'm so lucky that I have a wife that can cook for me every day," Jeonghan exclaimed, his eyes filled with adoration.

For a moment, the air was filled with the sound of their laughter, but Joshua, ever the playful spirit, gently hit Jeonghan's torso. "For your information, I am a boy, not a girl. It's supposed to be 'husband,' and second, who said I will marry you in the future?" Joshua questioned, a teasing glint in his eyes.

Jeonghan playfully pouted, his eyes exaggeratedly sad. "But you cook so well, it's hard not to imagine a future where I get to enjoy this every day," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of mock despair.

Giggles erupted from Joshua as he took away their lunchbox. He placed his hand on Jeonghan's puffy cheek, sealing the moment with a sweet kiss that spoke volumes of their affection. The exchange of kisses was not merely a physical gesture; it carried an emotional depth that transcended words.

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