Chapter 18

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In the dimly lit room, Mingyu sat on the bed, clad only in the towel his mother, Yeonhwa, had draped over him. The sterile surroundings offered little comfort, and the air seemed to carry a weight of anticipation. Yeonhwa regarded her son with a mix of maternal concern and scientific curiosity, her gaze piercing through the room's subdued lighting.

"Mingyu," she began, her voice echoing in the sterile space, "you've been through a transformative process-one that defies the boundaries of conventional science."

Mingyu's eyes, once vibrant and expressive, stared back at his reflection in the mirror opposite the bed. The blue glow that tinged his gaze spoke of an alteration that transcended mere physical changes. His emotions, however, remained elusive, buried beneath the surface of a stoic expression.

"You are a result of my life's work," Yeonhwa continued, her tone a careful balance between scientific pride and maternal warmth. "The water tank wasn't just a container; it was a catalyst for your evolution."

Mingyu, though attentive, did not indicate recognition or understanding. His gaze remained fixed on the mirrored image of a person who felt detached from his own reflection.

"The serum infused in the water was designed to unlock your latent potential, to elevate you beyond the limitations of the human condition," Yeonhwa explained, her hands gesturing to emphasize the significance of her words.

Mingyu's response was a nod-a mechanical acknowledgement devoid of the curiosity that once characterized him. The newfound resilience in his physique was evident, yet the emotional depth that had defined him seemed to have evaporated.

"You have become something more, something beyond human," Yeonhwa stated, her eyes gleaming with both pride and a sense of accomplishment. "But in this transformation, some sacrifices were made."

As she spoke, Yeonhwa approached Mingyu, her fingers brushing across his cheek. Mingyu accepted the touch without flinching, his emotional responses dulled by the alterations wrought upon him.

"The memories of your past life have been erased," she continued, revealing a truth that echoed in the room like a whispered secret. "But fear not, Mingyu. What you've gained far surpasses what you've left behind."

Mingyu's gaze remained fixed on the mirror as if searching for traces of a past that eluded his conscious grasp. The room held a pregnant silence, a moment of reflection tinged with an eerie calm.

"You are a marvel of science, Mingyu-a testament to the boundaries we can transcend," Yeonhwa declared, her voice resonating with both scientific reverence and a mother's pride.

The implications of Mingyu's transformation lingered in the air, a silent acknowledgement of the irrevocable changes wrought upon him. The room, once a vessel of experimentation, now held the embodiment of Yeonhwa's ambitions-a son who had emerged from the waters reborn, yet burdened by the absence of memories that defined his humanity.


The flickering fluorescent lights in the abandoned supermarket cast eerie shadows as Seventeen cautiously traversed the aisles. Jeonghan and Joshua, inseparable, navigated the maze of shelves together, their bond evident in the unspoken language of shared glances and reassuring touches.

As the group delved deeper into the supermarket's depths, the scent of stale air mixed with the remnants of canned goods that had long expired.

Vernon, known for his penchant for adventure, took point as they explored. Suddenly, a distant, guttural growl echoed through the silent aisles, followed by the unmistakable shuffling of undead footsteps.

Seungkwan, seizing the opportunity to display a blend of bravado and enthusiasm, grinned as he prepared his pistol. "You know what, I have been waiting for this."

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