Chapter 10

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Wonwoo returned to the room, a defibrillator machine in tow along with an assortment of medical supplies. The atmosphere in the laboratory grew tense as he prepared to administer aid to Jeonghan. The group, still reeling from the impulsive decision to use the serum, watched with a mix of hope and trepidation.

Wonwoo, his expression serious and focused, wasted no time. He swiftly connected the defibrillator pads to Jeonghan's chest, the machine emitting a rhythmic beep in harmony with the uncertain pulse on the monitor.

Seungcheol, his anxiety palpable, asked, "Wonwoo, is he going to be okay?"

Wonwoo, engrossed in the procedure, responded with a measured tone, "I'll do everything I can. We need to stabilize his heartbeat."

As the defibrillator began its cycle, delivering controlled electric shocks to Jeonghan's heart, the group held their breath. The room filled with the mechanical sounds of the medical equipment, each beep and whir echoing the delicate balance between life and the unknown.

Joshua, still holding Jeonghan's hand, looked on with tearful eyes. "Please, Wonwoo, do whatever it takes to save him."

Wonwoo, adjusting the settings on the defibrillator, acknowledged the gravity of the situation. "I'm doing my best. But everyone, be prepared for any outcome. The serum was an unknown variable, and we can't predict how it might interact with Jeonghan's system."

The group, gathered in a circle around Jeonghan's bed, exchanged worried glances. Joshua, his voice shaky, muttered, "We just wanted to save him. We didn't think it would come to this."

Minghao, his stoic demeanor shaken, added, "Let's hope Wonwoo can work his magic. We're in this together."

The defibrillator's beeping intensified, each cycle holding the group's collective hopes and fears. Wonwoo, focused on the task at hand, monitored the vital signs displayed on the machine. The seconds stretched into minutes, and with each passing moment, the uncertainty in the room deepened.

Then, a moment of hushed anticipation fell over the group as the defibrillator completed its cycle. Wonwoo carefully studied the monitor, his expression betraying none of the internal turmoil he might have felt.

Finally, he spoke, "His heartbeat is stabilizing. It's a positive sign, but we need to keep a close watch. The next few hours will be crucial."

Wonwoo, having stabilized Jeonghan with the defibrillator, now faced the daunting task of explaining the consequences of their impulsive decision. The group, gathered anxiously around Jeonghan's bed, awaited Wonwoo's assessment.

"Jeonghan's condition is stable for now, but there's something you all need to know," Wonwoo began, his expression grave. "The serum you administered was not the cure. It was the deadly virus serum."

A collective gasp swept through the room, the weight of Wonwoo's words settling like a heavy fog. Joshua, who had been holding Jeonghan's hand with hope in his eyes, felt the ground crumble beneath him.

"The deadly virus?" Joshua stuttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "How could we make such a mistake?"

Wonwoo, maintaining his calm demeanor, explained, "The serum was not properly labeled, and the situation was chaotic. I understand it was a desperate attempt, but you inadvertently exposed Jeonghan to the very virus we've been trying to contain."

Seungcheol, his face contorted with guilt, spoke up, "Wonwoo, is he going to turn into one of them?"

Wonwoo nodded, "Surprisingly, Jeonghan's body is showing signs of recovery. It's as if the infection triggered a self-recovery mechanism. But we can't be certain of the long-term effects."

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