Chapter 3

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In the confines of the laboratory, Wonwoo and Mingyu, a couple of dedicated scientists, found themselves staring at the computer screens in grim realization. The data displayed before them indicated a spreading infection in the school area, a nightmare scenario unfolding in real time.

"This is bad, Wonu. The school area started to get infected," Mingyu voiced the gravity of the situation, his eyes glued to the distressing information on the monitors. The implications of their research gone awry weighed heavily on both of them.

Wonwoo, feeling a sense of responsibility, blamed himself for what was transpiring. He began to pace away from Mingyu, his mind racing as he contemplated the possible consequences of their experiment.

As Wonwoo investigated the laboratory, searching for clues to the outbreak, his keen eyes caught sight of the open mouse cage. A realization struck him, and he called out to Mingyu urgently, "Gyu, come here."

Mingyu joined Wonwoo, concern etched on his face. "What is it?" he asked as he observed Wonwoo's focused expression.

"Someone came into the laboratory after we left. They tampered with the mouse cage," Wonwoo explained, his tone revealing a mix of frustration and concern. "They cut all the warning signs and alarms, causing the barriers outside to open."

Mingyu's eyes widened in disbelief and anger. "I knew it! This must be her crazy work! She's trying to turn Nexara city into a nightmare!" Mingyu exclaimed, his frustration manifesting in a punch against the laboratory wall.

Wonwoo, ever the voice of reason, tried to calm his agitated boyfriend. "Relax, babe. We need to find a cure to save the city," Wonwoo said, his tone filled with determination.

Mingyu, though still seething, nodded in agreement. "You're right. We can't let this virus spread any further. Let's focus on finding a cure," he conceded, the urgency of their mission taking precedence over personal frustrations.

The two scientist couples, now united in purpose, turned their attention to their workstations. The laboratory, once a hub of groundbreaking research, now became a battleground for a race against time. Wonwoo and Mingyu collaborated seamlessly, their expertise and determination fueling their quest to create a cure for the virus that threatened to plunge Nexara City into darkness.

The laboratory, once a sanctuary for scientific research, had now become an arena of survival. Wonwoo and Mingyu, engrossed in their quest for a cure, were oblivious to the impending danger lurking in the shadows. Unbeknownst to them, a zombie, its movements slow and labored, had infiltrated their workspace.

"Mingyu, behind you!" Wonwoo's urgent shout cut through the hum of their work. Mingyu's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly dodged the approaching zombie. Acting on pure reflex, he seized an axe hanging on the wall, swinging it with deadly precision to dispatch the undead intruder.

Mingyu, adrenaline pumping, turned back to Wonwoo, who stood frozen with fear. Without a moment's hesitation, Mingyu rushed to Wonwoo's side, embracing him tightly to reassure him that all was well. The close call prompted a shared moment of relief, but the impending threat remained.

"We need to activate the protection gas to keep zombies out," Wonwoo suggested, his voice laced with urgency. Mingyu nodded, breaking the embrace, and headed to the basement to retrieve some guns. The duo had prepared for emergencies like this, but they never anticipated the danger would hit so close to home.

As Wonwoo initiated the gas, a sudden crash echoed through the laboratory. Wonwoo's heart sank as he rushed to the source of the noise, only to find Mingyu on the ground, his face drained of color.

"Mingyu!" Wonwoo's desperate shout filled the air as he knelt beside his boyfriend. Panic set in as Wonwoo examined Mingyu, his eyes widening with dread as he noticed a bite mark on Mingyu's neck.

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