Chapter 13

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Amidst the backdrop of their shared room, Vernon found himself at the crossroads of friendship and something more profound. Seungkwan, absorbed in the simple act of grooming his hair, seemed unaware of the internal struggle Vernon was wrestling with. The atmosphere was cozy, the room adorned with personal touches that reflected the shared history of the two friends.

Vernon, after taking a moment to steady his nerves, approached Seungkwan with a mix of anticipation and vulnerability. "Hey, Seungkwan," he began, drawing the attention of his childhood friend.

Seungkwan turned to face Vernon, a bright smile gracing his lips. "What's up, Vernon?"

Vernon took a deep breath, the air thick with unspoken emotions. "There's something I need to tell you," he confessed, his eyes locking onto Seungkwan's.

Seungkwan, sensing the seriousness in Vernon's tone, put down the comb he had been using and gave his friend his full attention. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Encouraged by Seungkwan's supportive demeanor, Vernon continued, "Seungkwan, our friendship means the world to me. But lately, I've been feeling something more, something beyond friendship."

Seungkwan's expression shifted from curiosity to realization. "Oh?"

Vernon took a step closer, his gaze unwavering. "Seungkwan, I like you. More than just a friend."

Seungkwan's eyes widened, and for a moment, silence hung in the air. Then, a wide smile spread across Seungkwan's face. "Vernon, I like you too."

Vernon, relieved and elated, couldn't help but grin. "Really?"

Seungkwan nodded enthusiastically. "Really. I've been feeling the same way."

A surge of happiness coursed through Vernon as he took Seungkwan's hands in his. "So, would you be my boyfriend?"

Seungkwan's eyes twinkled with joy as he nodded. "Of course, Vernon. I'd love to be your boyfriend."

In that heartfelt moment, surrounded by the familiarity of their shared space, Vernon and Seungkwan embraced. The hug was a silent affirmation of their newfound connection. They pulled back, faces inches apart, and shared their first tender kisses-a gentle exchange that marked the beginning of a beautiful chapter in their relationship.

As the room witnessed this transformation of friendship into something deeper, it became a haven where genuine emotions and shared history converged. Vernon and Seungkwan's love story unfolded in the comforting embrace of their room, setting the stage for a new, beautiful chapter in their lives.


In the dimly lit firearms training room, Joshua stood alone, surrounded by the echoes of gunshots and the scent of gunpowder. He clutched a firearm in his hands, his expression a mix of determination and nostalgia. The memories of Jeonghan and their shared moments since childhood played vividly in his mind.

Wonwoo, noticing Joshua's pensive state, approached him with a discerning gaze. "Joshua, you seem lost in thought. Everything alright?" Wonwoo inquired, his tone filled with a mix of concern and understanding.

Joshua sighed, his eyes reflecting the weight of his memories. "Yeah, just reminiscing about Jeonghan and our journey together."

Wonwoo nodded, understanding the weight of shared grief. "I get that. Sometimes, revisiting those memories can be both comforting and painful."

As Joshua lowered the firearm, he glanced at Wonwoo, curiosity mingling with sorrow. "You too, huh? About Mingyu?"

Wonwoo nodded, a shared understanding passing between them. "Yeah, about Mingyu. We had some incredible times together."

Joshua's eyes softened, recognizing the unspoken connection. "Tell me about him, Wonwoo. I'd like to hear about Mingyu."

Wonwoo took a deep breath, welcoming the opportunity to share Mingyu's story. "Mingyu was... everything. We met in college, and he brought this boundless energy into my life. He loved playing the guitar, and his laughter could light up the darkest room."

As Wonwoo spoke, the room became a vessel for shared stories and memories. Joshua listened intently, captivated by the tales of Mingyu's vibrant personality. Wonwoo continued, "He had this way of making every moment special. There was one time he surprised me with a song he'd written. It was about our journey together, the highs and lows, the love we shared."

A wistful smile played on Wonwoo's lips. "But then, the infection took him so suddenly. I want to save him, but..." Wonwoo's voice trailed off, the pain still evident in his eyes.

Joshua placed a comforting hand on Wonwoo's shoulder. "I understand, Wonwoo. Losing someone you love is never easy."

Wonwoo nodded in gratitude, appreciating Joshua's empathy. "And what about Jeonghan? What memories are weighing on your heart?"

Joshua's gaze shifted to a distant point, lost in the memories of his own lost love. He began recounting the memories embedded deep in his heart. "We've been friends since diapers. Jeonghan and I shared countless moments - from childhood mischief to teenage adventures. He was always there for me, and I, for him."

A faint smile touched Joshua's lips as he continued. "I remember the time we decided to climb the tallest tree in our neighborhood. We were fearless kids with the world at our feet. Jeonghan, with his infectious laughter, convinced me that we could reach the top. We did, and the view from up there was breathtaking."

Wonwoo and Joshua found solace in the shared silence, the echoes of their losses creating a bridge between their hearts. "I carry his memories with us," Wonwoo said softly. "It's what keeps me alive in my heart."

Joshua nodded, a tear escaping his eye. "I just wish he was here to share in the moments we're creating now. Hopefullyhe will wake up soon."

Wonwoo nodded and listened attentively, sensing the bittersweet essence of Joshua's recollections. "Those memories sound precious. It's important to hold onto them, even in challenging times."

Joshua nodded, his gaze distant yet focused. "Jeonghan was always the adventurous one, and I was more cautious. We balanced each other out. Now, practicing with this firearm, I can't help but wish he was here. He'd find a way to make this training more enjoyable." Wonwoo placed a comforting hand on Joshua's shoulder.

As the echoes of shared grief and understanding lingered in the room, Joshua and Wonwoo found a connection born out of loss and a shared commitment to keeping the memories of their loved ones alive in their hearts.

To be continued...

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