Chapter 5

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Wonwoo gripped the steering wheel tightly as he navigated the desolate streets towards Mingyu's abandoned laboratory. Raindrops tapped against the windshield, mirroring the melancholy rhythm in Wonwoo's heart. Memories of Mingyu, his vibrant laughter, and the warmth of his touch lingered, haunting Wonwoo's thoughts.

Amidst the sea of memories, Wonwoo's gaze shifted to the outside world. His eyes caught a glimpse of a young boy sprinting desperately, chased by an insatiable zombie. Instinct kicked in, and Wonwoo swiftly drew his gun, aiming with precision. The gunshot echoed, the zombie crumpling to the ground.

The boy, now safe, turned wide-eyed towards Wonwoo. Without hesitation, Wonwoo opened the car door, approaching the trembling figure. "What's your name?" he asked, his voice a calming anchor in the chaos.

The boy, tears glistening in his eyes, stammered, "Lee Seokmin. Call me DK."

Wonwoo's gaze softened as he hugged DK protectively. "I'm Wonwoo, Jeon Wonwoo. Would you come with me? This place isn't safe."

DK nodded, a fragile agreement. The car became a refuge as they drove through the eerie silence, the raindrops providing a somber soundtrack to the unfolding events. In the cocoon of the vehicle, Wonwoo and DK forged an unspoken bond, each carrying their burdens of loss and survival.

As the cityscape transformed into a ghostly backdrop, Wonwoo's thoughts drifted back to Mingyu. The laboratory loomed ahead, a stark reminder of the life he once shared with his beloved. The journey became a tapestry of mingling past and present, grief and hope, as Wonwoo and DK navigated the remnants of a world forever changed.

In the quiet of the car, their dialogue became a symphony of shared pain and silent camaraderie. Wonwoo recounted tales of Mingyu, painting a vivid portrait of love lost but not forgotten. DK, in turn, opened up about his own struggles in this apocalyptic world, finding solace in Wonwoo's company.

The car hummed along the deserted highway, raindrops tracing intricate patterns on the windshield. Wonwoo's hands gripped the steering wheel with a quiet determination, the rhythmic sound of the rain punctuating the silence inside the vehicle. Beside him, DK gazed out at the passing landscape, a mix of destruction and remnants of the world they once knew.

Amidst the gray scenery, DK's voice cut through the quiet. "Which year are you born?" he asked, turning his attention from the window to Wonwoo.

"1996," Wonwoo replied tersely, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

"Ah, you're older than me! I was born in 1997," DK exclaimed, a genuine smile playing on his lips. Wonwoo acknowledged with a nod, his mind momentarily pulled from the memories that clung to him like shadows.

The revelation of their age difference hung in the air, and DK's smile widened as he continued, "You know, Mingyu, my deadly boyfriend, was born in 1997 too."

Wonwoo's grip on the steering wheel tightened imperceptibly. Mingyu's name echoed in the confined space, a ghostly presence that refused to fade. "Coincidence," Wonwoo muttered, but his gaze flickered to the rearview mirror, catching the reflection of DK's earnest expression.

"Strange, isn't it?" DK mused, oblivious to the turmoil in Wonwoo's thoughts. "Two people born in the same year. Mingyu and I used to talk about how it made us feel connected, sharing the same slice of time."

Wonwoo's jaw clenched as he navigated the twists and turns of the road. The weight of Mingyu's absence bore down on him, intensified by the uncanny parallels that unfolded beside him.

"Did you and Mingyu ever discuss that?" DK probed, his eyes searching Wonwoo's face for a shared understanding.

A heavy pause lingered, the rain outside intensifying. Wonwoo sighed, his voice carrying the weight of memories. "Yeah, we did. Birthdays felt like milestones, moments when time stood still, and we acknowledged the years that shaped us."

DK nodded, a quiet acknowledgment of the shared experience. The car pressed on through the rain-soaked highway, the atmosphere thick with unspoken emotions. In that intimate space between driver and passenger, the journey became a merging of past and present, mingling the threads of Mingyu's memory with the unfolding companionship between Wonwoo and DK. The road stretched ahead, a path carved by the echoes of their intertwined stories.


In the heart of an opulent laboratory, its sleek surfaces gleaming under the fluorescent lights, Dr. Park Yeon Hwa, a brilliant yet unhinged scientist, stood surrounded by an array of bubbling beakers and complex machinery. Her dark eyes glinted with a mad brilliance as she carefully mixed a mysterious serum, an elixir that held the potential for both creation and destruction.

Amidst the scientific symphony, the laboratory's pristine door creaked open, revealing a shadowy figure. Hye Jin, Dr. Yeon Hwa's personal secret spy, slipped into the room, her sleek form moving with silent precision. She approached the doctor with a deferential nod.

"Well done, Hye Jin," Dr. Yeon Hwa remarked, not looking up from her experiment. "I just want to destroy the city so bad."

Hye Jin, maintaining her composed demeanor, shared the intricate details of the city's vulnerabilities, a covert report gleaned from her espionage endeavors. As she spoke, Dr. Yeon Hwa's smirk widened, her focus divided between the chemical concoction and the unfolding narrative of the city's weaknesses.

"Did you bring my son?" Dr. Yeon Hwa interrupted suddenly, her voice laced with a sinister edge. Hye Jin nodded, and her men entered the laboratory, carrying an unconscious figure. Dr. Yeon Hwa turned toward the bed where her son lay, his face betraying the weariness of someone who had endured more than the average person could fathom.

Seemingly unbothered by her son's state, Dr. Yeon Hwa traced a finger along his pale cheek. "Seems like he abandoned his own boyfriend, son. And look at you, infected. Let mommy test a little experiment on you," she declared with an evil, crazy laugh.

As the unconscious man was placed on a cold, metallic table, Dr. Yeon Hwa's laboratory transformed into a macabre stage for her twisted ambitions. Hye Jin, stoic but internally conflicted, observed the unfolding scene. Dr. Yeon Hwa gestured to her men, commanding them to secure the unconscious figure in place.

"Soon, I will rule the city, and my son will be the most powerful in the world," the mad scientist proclaimed with a chilling certainty. The laboratory's ambiance crackled with an unholy energy, a convergence of scientific prowess and malevolent intent.

Hye Jin, torn between loyalty and morality, stood in the shadows as Dr. Yeon Hwa commenced her dark experiment, the fate of the city hanging in the balance. The laboratory, once a bastion of scientific inquiry, had transformed into a crucible of madness, where the boundaries between genius and insanity blurred, and the city's destiny teetered on the precipice of destruction.

To be continued...

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