Chapter 23

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On the desolate rooftop of the cafe, Joshua stood in solitude, his gaze fixed upon the sprawling chaos that was Nexara city. The once vibrant streets now harboured the relentless footsteps of the undead, a reminder of the world unravelling into a nightmarish reality. The air was thick with tension, and distant echoes of struggles against the zombie horde served as the dissonant soundtrack to the apocalyptic scene.

In the pale moonlight, Joshua's figure stood as a silhouette against the backdrop of the crumbling city. His hand tenderly cradled the small life blossoming within him - a secret shared between him and the tiny miracle growing in the sanctuary of his womb. Fingers traced patterns over the gentle swell, a connection between a father and the child he had yet to hold.

With a soft sigh, Joshua began to speak, his words a soothing cadence amidst the disarray. "Hey there, little one," he murmured, his voice carrying the weight of both sorrow and anticipation. "We're up here, just you and me. I thought it was time for you to hear about someone special - someone who, during all this chaos, brought a different kind of light into our lives."

As Joshua spoke, his words wove a tapestry of memories, each thread spun from the moments he shared with Jeonghan. His voice painted the vivid hues of their laughter, the shared glances that spoke volumes, and the unwavering support that defined their love. The rooftop, a sanctuary above the turmoil, became a haven for the tender conversation between a father and his unborn child.

Meanwhile, from the shadowed doorway, Jihoon observed the poignant scene unfolding. His heart ached with empathy for Joshua, who bore the weight of both loss and the hope cradled in his arms. Tears welled in Jihoon's eyes as he listened to Joshua's words, a symphony of love and longing reaching beyond the chaos below.

"Jeonghan," Joshua continued his voice a delicate melody in the night. "He was your other daddy, the one who would have loved you just as much as I do. He had a heart so full of warmth, a spirit that defied the darkness around us. I want you to know him through my words, to feel the love he left behind in our hearts."

The rooftop, now a stage for a father's soliloquy, resonated with the profound emotion infused in Joshua's every word. The city's ruins echoed the tales of love and loss, and the unborn child, nestled within Joshua's protective embrace, seemed to absorb the essence of a love story that transcended the confines of time.

As Joshua's narrative unfolded, Jihoon couldn't hold back his tears, each drop a testament to the bittersweet beauty of the moment. The duo on the rooftop, bound by love and the promise of new life, symbolized the resilient spirit that persisted even in the face of a world transformed.


Being alone in staff room, Wonwoo sought refuge from the piercing reality that had gripped their world. The absence of bustling activity and the distant sounds of struggles against the encroaching chaos accentuated the solitude within the confined space. It was in this quiet haven that Wonwoo finally allowed his facade of strength to crumble.

Leaning against a cluttered desk, Wonwoo's shoulders shook as the weight of his unshed tears bore down on him. Mingyu, his steadfast companion through trials and tribulations, was no longer by his side. The room, once a place of shared laughter and whispered confidences, now echoed with the haunting silence of Mingyu's absence.

Wonwoo's hands trembled as he wiped away the tear tracks that marred his composed exterior. He had been the pillar of strength for the group, the one who offered guidance and reassurance in times of turmoil. But behind that stoic facade lay a heart that now bled for the loss of Mingyu, the one who had shared in every joy and weathered every storm by his side.

"Mingyu," Wonwoo whispered, the name a fragile breath in the stifling air. The room seemed to hold the echoes of their shared moments - the laughter, the whispered promises, and the silent understanding that transcended spoken words. Memories unfolded like an unraveling tapestry, each thread woven with the warmth of Mingyu's presence.

As Wonwoo's tears fell freely, his internal struggle with the harsh reality intensified. He had witnessed countless hardships, faced formidable adversaries, and stood strong in the face of adversity. Yet, the absence of Mingyu, the void left by his sudden departure, shattered the carefully constructed walls that shielded Wonwoo's vulnerabilities.

In the solitude of the staff room, Wonwoo grappled with the profound loneliness that accompanied grief. The room's cold walls seemed to absorb the anguish that emanated from his soul, each sob an intimate conversation with the void that Mingyu's absence had created.

As the minutes passed, Wonwoo gradually collected himself, his tears leaving behind the residue of an emotional storm. With a steadying breath, he straightened his posture, a silent vow to carry on despite the ache that lingered within.

"Mingyu," he uttered again, the name now a whispered promise to a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space. In the solitude of the staff room, Wonwoo found solace in the memories etched into the very fabric of their shared existence.

The room, witness to Wonwoo's vulnerability, bore no judgment. It cradled the echoes of a love that defied the confines of a world in chaos. And as Wonwoo composed himself, a silent understanding lingered in the air - an acknowledgment of the pain endured and the resilience that would guide him through the turbulent path that lay ahead.


In the dimly lit corner of their makeshift refuge, Seungkwan leaned against the cold wall, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. The once unbreakable bond among the members of Seventeen felt frayed, the looming challenges taking a toll on their collective spirit. With a resolute determination, Seungkwan decided it was time to bring back the warmth that had defined their camaraderie.

His eyes, a mix of concern and determination, met Vernon's gaze. Despite the somber atmosphere that hung in the air, Seungkwan knew that their shared strength could be rekindled, reuniting the fractured fragments of their group. With Vernon by his side, Seungkwan felt a surge of optimism.

"Vernon," Seungkwan began, the flicker of a plan forming in his mind. "We can't let the despair swallow us whole. We need something to lift our spirits, to remind us of the joy we once shared."

Vernon nodded in agreement, his gaze reflecting the same concern that Seungkwan harbored. They needed a beacon of hope, a collective effort that would transcend the individual burdens each member carried. Seungkwan's eyes sparkled with newfound determination as he outlined his plan.

"I've been thinking," he continued, "we need a reminder of the brighter days, the moments that made us laugh and brought us together. What if we create a Seventeen Memory Box?"

Vernon's interest was piqued as he listened to Seungkwan's proposal. "A Memory Box?" he echoed, prompting Seungkwan to elaborate.

"Yes, a box where each of us contributes something that holds a special memory - a photo, a note, or even a small item that represents a moment we cherish. We'll gather these treasures, and whenever things get tough, we can open the box and be reminded of the bonds that connect us."

The idea resonated with Vernon, and a glimmer of hope sparked in his eyes. "Seungkwan, that's a great idea. It'll help us focus on the positive, on what we've overcome together."

Seungkwan smiled, grateful for Vernon's support. "Exactly. We need to nurture the light within us, and this Memory Box will be our shared beacon. Let's gather the others and pitch this idea. I believe it'll bring us closer and remind us that even in the darkest times, we have each other."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Seungkwan and Vernon set out to share their plan with the rest of Seventeen. Little did they know that this simple yet profound idea would become a catalyst for rebuilding the bonds that defined their resilient family. The Memory Box, filled with laughter, shared dreams, and unwavering friendship, would serve as a testament to their strength in the face of adversity.

To be continued...

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