Chapter 12

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The group, seeking solace in the living room of the laboratory house, decided to spend some leisure time together. The flickering light bulbs cast a warm glow, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie that momentarily pushed aside the grim reality outside.

Seungcheol, the official leader of the group, reclined on a tattered sofa, appreciating the rare tranquillity that surrounded them. "We've been through a lot, and I think it's time we give ourselves a name, something to hold onto in these uncertain times."

Minghao, who had been meticulously sharpening a knife, looked up with interest. "A name could be a symbol of our strength and unity."

Chan, the youngest but filled with youthful enthusiasm, suddenly stood up. "How about we come up with a cool name, like 'Zombie Busters' or 'Survival Squad'?"

Seokmin chuckled, "Those sound like titles from an action movie."

Seungkwan eager to contribute, added with a smirk, "How about 'The Undying Hope'?"

Joshua, who had been quietly observing, suggested, "It should reflect our resilience and determination."

Wonwoo, flipping through Mingyu's research notes, looked up. "What about 'Pandemic Pioneers'? It captures both the struggle and our quest for answers."

Seungkwan, with a playful grin, proposed, "I've got it! 'The Unconquerable'!"

The room buzzed with suggestions, laughter, and friendly banter. Amidst the brainstorming, Seungcheol, with a spark of inspiration, suggested, "How about 'Seventeen'?"

The group fell into a thoughtful silence, pondering the significance of the number. Jihoon, the group's resident brainiac, spoke up, "Seventeen days. We've survived for seventeen days in this chaos."

Seokmin added, "It represents our resilience, the days we've faced and conquered together."

Chan, who had initiated the discussion, grinned. "Seventeen it is then!"

The decision was unanimous. 'Seventeen' became more than just a number; it became a symbol of their collective strength and endurance.

With the group having solidified their identity as 'Seventeen,' Hoshi, always brimming with creativity, suggested adding a slogan to enhance their sense of unity and purpose. "So guys, what if we have a slogan? Something that captures the essence of who we are."

Seungcheol nodded in agreement. "A slogan could be powerful. Hoshi, any ideas?"

Hoshi, with a glint in his eye, began brainstorming. "How about 'Seventeen, Unbreakable Bonds' or 'Together Through Anything'?"

Minghao chuckled, "Those are nice, but we need something that packs a punch. Something like 'Seventeen: Defying the Odds.'"

Vernon, known for his elegant suggestions, proposed, "What about 'Seventeen, Forever Strong'? It implies resilience and endurance."

Amidst the suggestions, Hoshi suddenly grinned. "I've got it! 'Say The Name... Seventeen!' It's bold, it's memorable, and it's like our own battle cry. What do you guys think?"

The room fell silent for a moment as the members pondered the suggestion. Seungcheol, contemplating the potential impact, finally smiled. "It's dynamic. It not only declares who we are but also involves everyone. Let's give it a try."

Excitement filled the air as they decided to incorporate the slogan into their routine. Seungcheol, standing tall as the leader, took a deep breath and exclaimed, "SAY THE NAME!"

The room echoed with the enthusiastic response of the members, their voices intertwining in unity. "SEVENTEEN!"

The energy in the room soared as they repeated the call and response, each shout resonating with a sense of identity and belonging. The slogan became more than words; it became a rallying cry, a symbol of their unity in the face of adversity.

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