Chapter 7

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The desolate streets echoed with the distant moans of the undead as Wonwoo and DK approached Mingyu's laboratory-a haven that promised safety and potential salvation. The exterior bore the marks of Mingyu's meticulous fortifications, a testament to his dedication in creating a secure enclave in the midst of the zombie apocalypse.

Wonwoo, clad in makeshift protective gear, exchanged a determined glance with DK as they entered the laboratory. The fortified entrance hinted at layers of defense-sturdy barricades, reinforced windows, and an intricate system of alarms that whispered of Mingyu's commitment to safeguarding valuable research within.

Inside, dimly lit corridors unveiled remnants of abandoned experiments and hastily discarded equipment. The silence within the laboratory, though ominous, resonated with an undercurrent of scientific pursuits. The duo navigated through the maze, guided by the hope that Mingyu's legacy might hold the key to a cure.

We're looking for any research, antidotes, or clues that can lead us to a cure," Wonwoo explained, his eyes scanning the digital maze.

In a designated lab room, Wonwoo approached a refrigeration unit. The anticipation hung heavy in the air as he opened it, revealing two securely sealed vials bathed in the soft glow of the refrigerator's light. The serums, encapsulated within the glass, represented a potential breakthrough or a perilous misstep.

"The screens flickered to life, revealing Mingyu's meticulous notes, experiments, and potential breakthroughs. The information unfolded before them like a map, guiding their way through the scientific labyrinth.

"Here," Wonwoo muttered, his eyes fixated on a serum development log. "Mingyu was working on serums."

DK leaned over, intrigued. "Serums? You mean, like a cure?"

Wonwoo nodded, a surge of excitement coursing through him. "Exactly. We need to find more details, anything that could help us replicate Mingyu's work." Wonwoo remarked, carefully extracting the vials for closer inspection.

DK, eyes fixed on the serums, questioned, "What's next? How do we know which one is safe?"

Wonwoo, a scientist to the core, examined the vials with meticulous scrutiny. As he inspected the contents, a subtle tension crept into the room.

"One of these serums is the potential cure we've been searching for. The other might activate the virus instead of curing it," Wonwoo explained, the weight of the revelation evident in his voice.

DK's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and concern. "Activated? Are you saying one of these could make things worse?"

Wonwoo nodded solemnly. "Mingyu might have implemented a fail-safe, a measure to prevent the accidental release of the virus."

The realization settled heavily upon them. The serums, once symbols of hope, now became a double-edged sword-holding the promise of a cure but carrying the risk of exacerbating the very crisis they sought to overcome.

"We need to analyze these serums carefully. Running tests is crucial to making an informed decision," Wonwoo asserted, the weight of responsibility evident in his voice.

DK, though uneasy, nodded in agreement. "We can't risk making a mistake. The safety of everyone depends on choosing the right serum."

Setting up a makeshift laboratory space within Mingyu's secure facility, Wonwoo and DK went to work. Test tubes, beakers, and an array of scientific equipment were scattered across tables. Wonwoo carefully prepared to examine the properties of each serum, hoping to unlock the mystery that lay within the glass vials.

The laboratory hummed with activity as Wonwoo conducted meticulous tests. DK, armed with a crossbow, stood guard-a silent protector in the face of potential danger. The results slowly unfolded, revealing the secrets hidden within the serums.

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