Chapter 26

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Under the cloak of the city's muted skyline, Seventeen moved stealthily through the desolate streets toward Yeonhwa's ominous laboratory. The air was thick with tension, each member acutely aware of the gravity of their mission. The moon cast intermittent shadows, providing sporadic cover for the group as they navigated the labyrinthine alleys.

Seungcheol at the forefront, signaled for the group to halt. He crouched down, outlining the plan once more in hushed tones. "Remember, we need to move swiftly and silently. We can't afford any missteps. Joshua and Jihoon, stay close. Your abilities might come in handy if things go south."

As they advanced, Wonwoo scanned the area, providing updates on potential obstacles. "There are guards posted near the entrance. We need a distraction to draw them away."

Hoshi, ever the master of diversion, grinned mischievously. "Leave it to me. I'll create a light show they won't be able to resist."

As Hoshi initiated his distraction, the guards, lured by the spectacle, abandoned their posts, creating a window of opportunity for the group to slip through. Seungcheol nodded approvingly and motioned for the team to move forward.

Entering the facility required finesse, and Minghao and Jun skillfully bypassed the electronic locks, ensuring minimal noise. The hum of machinery echoed through the dimly lit corridors as Seventeen progressed deeper into the heart of Yeonhwa's lair.

In a room illuminated by the sterile glow of fluorescent lights, Wonwoo accessed the central computer terminal. "I'll gather as much information as I can about Jeonghan and Mingyu's locations. Keep an eye out for any signs of their presence."

As they anxiously awaited Wonwoo's findings, Vernon, with his sharp eyes, spotted a series of surveillance cameras. "We're being watched. We need to move faster."

The realization heightened the urgency, and Seungcheol pressed forward. Suddenly, a distant sound echoed through the corridor - the unmistakable cadence of footsteps. The group instinctively took defensive positions, ready for an encounter.

To their surprise, it was Mingyu who emerged from the shadows, his expression vacant. The reunion was bittersweet as Wonwoo cautiously approached him. "Mingyu, do you recognize us? It's me, Wonwoo. We're here to help."

Mingyu's eyes flickered, revealing a moment of recognition, but his emotional detachment persisted. Wonwoo, though visibly distressed, maintained his composure, determined to reach the core of Mingyu's memories.

"Mingyu, can you hear me? Do you recognize any of this?" Wonwoo said again, trying to make Mingyu's memories back.

Mingyu's gaze remained distant, fixed on some point beyond the present moment. Wonwoo took a step closer, his heart yearning for the connection they once shared. "We've been through so much together. Remember the laughter, the joy, the love we built?"

Silence lingered in the room, broken only by the distant hum of machinery. Wonwoo's arms ached to hold Mingyu, to feel the heartbeat that used to synchronize with his own. "Mingyu, I miss you. I miss the warmth you brought into my life. Can you feel anything, even a trace of what we had?"

Mingyu's eyes flickered, a subtle shift in the emptiness within them. Wonwoo's hope sparked like a feeble flame in the darkness. "Please, Mingyu. I need you to come back to me. We were each other's anchor, and without you, I feel adrift."

As if responding to a distant call, Mingyu's expression wavered. A flicker of recognition, like a distant star in the night sky, began to pierce through the void.

"Wonwoo..." The name, though uttered with uncertainty, carried a weight of familiarity. Wonwoo's heart soared, and he reached out to Mingyu, pulling him into an embrace that held the echoes of countless shared moments.

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