Chapter 10: Accepted

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The Night Pride and Lion Guard, now along with Kion, entered the Tree of Life.

Upon entering, Kion was flabbergasted by how pulchritudinous the interior of the tree was. As he walked further into the tree, he spotted an elderly lioness with a blue marking on her forehead, who was sleeping peacefully on a flat rock.

Upon hearing the footsteps of the guests, the elderly queen awoke.

Janna: Welcome Kion, leader of the Lion Guard.

Kion reverently bowed in respect to the honorable queen.

Kion: Wait, Your majesty. How do you know my name?

Janna: Your companions told me.

Kion glanced toward his companions and Bunga winked at him, and Kion rolled his eyes, embarrassed.

Kion: Of course!

Janna: So, the Roar of the Elders has finally returned to its birthplace.

Kion: You know about the roar Queen Janna?

Janna: Oh yes. A lion named Askari came to Cihka Escarpment one day and discovered the roar. Cihka Escarpment is to the right of the Tree of Life.

Kion gasped and caught his breath upon knowing that he came from Cihka Escarpment and now he realizes that everything links together.

Kion: I just came from Cihka Escarpment!

Janna: Is that so Kion?

Kion: Yes! I talked to Askari in the clouds, and he taught me how to master the roar. I trained there for a couple days.

Janna: Well done Kion! Now the roar has officially returned to the Tree of Life. I thought that Mufasa's brother, Taka, would be the one to bring the Roar back to the Tree of Life. However, darkness engulfed him and turned him into Scar.

Kion growled under his breath upon hearing the name "Scar."

Kion: Well, that is why I am here. I need to be healed.

Janna: No Problem young traveler, just tell me your injury.

Kion: After a battle with Scar back in the Pridelands, I got this scar from a snake named Ushari. And due to the scar, the venom from it has been turning me--evil- and I haven't been able to control the roar until now. Furthermore, it controls my personality and things I say and do. And my friend Ono, his eyesight is blinded by vog.

Janna: This seems like a very dangerous injury Kion. Nirmala!

A lioness older than Rani, but younger than Queen Janna stepped forward and examined Kion's and Ono's injuries. She then jumps up onto the royal rock and whispers something into the old monarch's ear.

Janna: Ono, your healing will be simple, however the remedy will take a few days to prepare.

Ono: Thank you your majesty.

Janna: Kion, your healing process is more intricate. Your injury is much more than just a scar. Your healing will take much time and patience.

Kion: Then I would like to start as soon as possible Your majesty.

Janna: I'm sure you would. Nirmala?

Nirmala: We will start your healing tomorrow Kion.

Kion and the Lion Guard bowed their heads respectively towards the Queen and exited the Tree of Life.

The Guard then parted ways: Fuli went on a run; Beshte, Anga, and Ono went to explore the Tree of Life, Kion and Bunga decided to rest for the day.

Kion's healing process would start tomorrow. He would need to be very devoted to his healing if he wants to be healed as quickly as possible.

Sorry everyone about the delay. This weekend has been an absolute mess for me and it's been very tight. Sorry for the short chapter and I promise that the upcoming chapters will be longer. 

Until next chapter!

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