Chapter 11: Healing Begins

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Kion woke up in the morning after a good night sleep. His throat felt parched, so he decided to have a drink at the lake.

When he arrived at the lake, he saw the silhouette of another animal at the lake. As he approached he found out the the animal was Rani.

Kion walked next to Rani and took a sip of water.

Kion: Uh, good morning?

Rani: Morning to you too.

Kion: So, how was your night?

Rani: Was ok. Night Patrol went fine.

Kion: Wait, you patrol at night?

Rani: Uh, duh! We are called the Night Pride for a reason.

Kion: Oh right!

Kion looked away, feeling totally embarrassed.

Rani: Lets go to the queen and begin your healing right now.

Kion: Ok.

Kion and Rani walked into the Tree of Life and saw Queen Janna lying down on her rock, talking to Makini.

Janna: Rani, everything ok?

Rani: Of course grandmother. We were wondering on what we should do to start Kion's healing process today.

Janna: Well, if you are looking for guidance, ask Nirmala. She is the one in charge of Kion's healing.

Rani: Where should we find Nirmala?

Janna: Check in her den. Maybe she is resting or maybe she went on an walk.

Rani: Of course grandmother.

Kion and Rani walked out of the Tree of Life. They approached Nirmala's den and found Nirmala resting peacefully inside. Both felt really bad to wake her up, but it was necessary.

Rani: Pssst! Nirmala!

Nirmala slowly opened her eyes and yawned.

Nirmala: Oh hi Rani! Good morning Kion! Do you two need anything?

Rani: Actually yes. Kion was supposed to start his healing process today and we were wondering if you were up to give him his first task.

Nirmala: Of course! Thank you for reminding me Rani!

Nirmala arose sluggishly and walked out of the den followed by the two teenage lions.

Nirmala: You may go rest or run whatever errands you need to Rani. I can take care of Kion myself.

Rani: Ok.

Rani ran off to her den to rest.

Nirmala: This way Kion.

Nirmala led Kion to a large River with a giant cliff on the other side.

Nirmala: This is Dirisha, the River of Patience.

Kion: So this is where you will heal my scar more, so I will be able to return to my old self again?

Nirmala chuckles.

Nirmala: Kion, this is just one of many steps to heal your scar. This is one of several techniques you must achieve expertise in order to be healed. With this task you will learn self-control and patience.

Kion: So what is the task?

Nirmala: Look on top of that steep cliff. Do you see that bright orange flower?

Kion: Yeah.

Nirmala: I want you to bring it to me.

Kion: Right. Be right back.  Kion starts to walk away but Nirmala stops him.

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